# Members and Officers Any member of the MIT community is eligible to be a member of SIPB. One [[becomes a member|join]] by becoming involved in SIPB, getting nominated, and being elected to the membership. Only students are voting members (and only students can be officers), though a substantial portion of our active membership are non-students (alumni, etc). ## Executive Committee * Chair: Greg Price * Vice Chair: Nelson Elhage * Secretary: Mitchell Berger * Treasurer: Benjamin Kaduk * Alex Rolfe * Eric Price * Jeff Arnold * Jessica McKellar * Tim Abbott ## Voting Members * [arolfe](http://www.mit.edu/arolfe/), Alex Rolfe * aseering, Adam Seering * broder, Evan Broder * danjared, (Daniel) Jared Dominguez * ecprice, Eric Price * [geofft](http://web.mit.edu/geofft/www/), Geoffrey Thomas * golem, Chris Lesniewski-Laas * jesstess, Jessica McKellar * jhawk, John Hawkinson * kaduk, Benjamin Kaduk * lockhart, Matthew Lockhart * mitchb, Mitchell Berger * neboat, Tao Benjamin Schardl * [nelhage](http://nelhage.com), Nelson Elhage * njess, Noah Jessop * paigep, Paige Phillips * presbrey, Joe Presbrey * price, Gregory Price * quentin, Quentin Smith * spang, Christine Spang * [ternus](http://www.mit.edu/~ternus), Christian Ternus * xavid, Xavid Pretzer * y_z, Yang Zhang