The Student Information Processing Board (SIPB) is a service organization whose function is to provide easy access to computer facilities at MIT and assistance to those who use them. We provide services to the MIT computing community to aid in work productivity, computer use education, and entertainment. In short, we strive to aid the MIT computing community in whatever (legal) endeavor users may wish of the available computer resources.
There is, however, another side to the SIPB: we are also one of MIT’s many student activities. The Board is composed of MIT students. Expertise in computers is not assumed or required for membership, although the majority of members acquire some in time. Members will also find themselves acquiring a lot of other skills and knowledge too diverse to list here. This is not as dreary as it may sound; we generally have a very good time.
We are MIT’s volunteer student computing group, improving computing at MIT since 1969. Today, SIPB projects provide innovative services and special expertise to the MIT community. We have an office just outside the Athena cluster in the student center W20, and you are welcome to come by to ask us for help or to hang around, use our computers, and maybe get involved. We have meetings every Monday at 19:30 (now also on Zoom!). You can find out what’s abuzz in the SIPB community at Planet SIPB. We host a number of events, which are enumerated on our calendar.