Student Information Processing Board @ MIT

SIPB Documentation Project

This page was migrated from the old website and has not been manually reviewed, or is here for historical purposes. We make no guarantees that the content is up-to-date or reflects SIPB's current views. Contact if anything is broken or you have other questions or feedback.

The SIPB Documentation Project is a project to document in written form the collective knowledge that SIPB members take for granted or use in maintaining services and projects that are not otherwise written down anywhere. Generally, there are two places where documentation can be found at SIPB, the first being this website, and the other being our GitHub internal wiki. To request access to the internal wiki, contact To request modifications of the website, please contact

See SIPB Documentation for documentation produced so far. Existing documentation can always be improved.

Other SIPB educational activites include the AskSIPB column in The Tech, an array of IAP classes, and the weekly Cluedumps series each fall.

Documentation Ideas

This is a partial list of further topics that need documentation. Additions welcome.

  • “Printing at MIT”

    • lpq, lprm,
    • -i printadm (maybe)
  • “Using Debathena” – You’ve installed Debathena – now what? Automounter, blanche, cups; using stuff in the GUI.

  • “Athena Dotfiles” – These are weird and nonstandard compared to traditional UNIX and should be documented, including things like .environment

    • There’s some documentation at []
  • – lots of neat internals to explain; the bugtracker also includes some identified documentation tasks

  • Add your own here!