ikiwiki 3.20100623 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * openid: Add openid\_realm and openid\_cgiurl configuration options, useful in a few edge case setups. * attachment: Show files from underlay in attachments list. * img: Support hspace and vspace attributes. * editpage: Rename "comments" field to avoid CSS conflict with the comments div. * edittemplate: Make silent mode not disable display when the template page does not exist, so it can be easily created. * edittemplate: Look for template pages under templates/ like everything else (still looks in old location for backwards compatibility). * attachment: When inserting links, insert img directives for images, if that plugin is enabled. * websetup: Allow enabling plugins listed in disable\_plugins. * editpage, comments: Fix broken links in sidebar (due to forcebaseurl). (Thanks, privat) * calendar: Tune archive\_pagespec to only match pages, not other files. * Fix issues with combining unicode srcdirs and source files. (Workaround bug #586045) * Make --gettime be honored after initial setup. * git: Fix --gettime to properly support utf8 filenames. * attachment: Support Windows paths when taking basename of client-supplied file name. * theme: New plugin, allows easily themeing a site via the underlay. * Added actiontabs theme by Svend Sorensen. * Added blueview theme by Bernd Zeimetz. * mercurial: Fix buggy getctime code. Closes: #[586279](http://bugs.debian.org/586279) * link: Enhanced to handle URLs and email addresses. (Bernd Zeimetz)"""]]