#!/usr/bin/perl # For subversion support. use warnings; use strict; package IkiWiki; my $svn_log_infoline=qr/^r(\d+)\s+\|\s+([^\s]+)\s+\|\s+(\d+-\d+-\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+\s+[-+]?\d+).*/; sub svn_info ($$) { #{{{ my $field=shift; my $file=shift; my $info=`LANG=C svn info $file`; my ($ret)=$info=~/^$field: (.*)$/m; return $ret; } #}}} sub rcs_update () { #{{{ if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") { if (system("svn", "update", "--quiet", $config{srcdir}) != 0) { warn("svn update failed\n"); } } } #}}} sub rcs_prepedit ($) { #{{{ # Prepares to edit a file under revision control. Returns a token # that must be passed into rcs_commit when the file is ready # for committing. # The file is relative to the srcdir. my $file=shift; if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") { # For subversion, return the revision of the file when # editing begins. my $rev=svn_info("Revision", "$config{srcdir}/$file"); return defined $rev ? $rev : ""; } } #}}} sub rcs_commit ($$$) { #{{{ # Tries to commit the page; returns undef on _success_ and # a version of the page with the rcs's conflict markers on failure. # The file is relative to the srcdir. my $file=shift; my $message=shift; my $rcstoken=shift; if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") { # Check to see if the page has been changed by someone # else since rcs_prepedit was called. my ($oldrev)=$rcstoken=~/^([0-9]+)$/; # untaint my $rev=svn_info("Revision", "$config{srcdir}/$file"); if (defined $rev && defined $oldrev && $rev != $oldrev) { # Merge their changes into the file that we've # changed. chdir($config{srcdir}); # svn merge wants to be here if (system("svn", "merge", "--quiet", "-r$oldrev:$rev", "$config{srcdir}/$file") != 0) { warn("svn merge -r$oldrev:$rev failed\n"); } } if (system("svn", "commit", "--quiet", "-m", possibly_foolish_untaint($message), "$config{srcdir}") != 0) { my $conflict=readfile("$config{srcdir}/$file"); if (system("svn", "revert", "--quiet", "$config{srcdir}/$file") != 0) { warn("svn revert failed\n"); } return $conflict; } } return undef # success } #}}} sub rcs_add ($) { #{{{ # filename is relative to the root of the srcdir my $file=shift; if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") { my $parent=dirname($file); while (! -d "$config{srcdir}/$parent/.svn") { $file=$parent; $parent=dirname($file); } if (system("svn", "add", "--quiet", "$config{srcdir}/$file") != 0) { warn("svn add failed\n"); } } } #}}} sub rcs_recentchanges ($) { #{{{ my $num=shift; my @ret; eval q{use CGI 'escapeHTML'}; eval q{use Date::Parse}; eval q{use Time::Duration}; if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") { my $svn_url=svn_info("URL", $config{srcdir}); # FIXME: currently assumes that the wiki is somewhere # under trunk in svn, doesn't support other layouts. my ($svn_base)=$svn_url=~m!(/trunk(?:/.*)?)$!; my $div=qr/^--------------------+$/; my $state='start'; my ($rev, $user, $when, @pages, @message); foreach (`LANG=C svn log -v '$svn_url'`) { chomp; if ($state eq 'start' && /$div/) { $state='header'; } elsif ($state eq 'header' && /$svn_log_infoline/) { $rev=$1; $user=$2; $when=concise(ago(time - str2time($3))); } elsif ($state eq 'header' && /^\s+[A-Z]\s+\Q$svn_base\E\/([^ ]+)(?:$|\s)/) { my $file=$1; my $diffurl=$config{diffurl}; $diffurl=~s/\[\[file\]\]/$file/g; $diffurl=~s/\[\[r1\]\]/$rev - 1/eg; $diffurl=~s/\[\[r2\]\]/$rev/g; push @pages, { link => htmllink("", pagename($file), 1), diffurl => $diffurl, } if length $file; } elsif ($state eq 'header' && /^$/) { $state='body'; } elsif ($state eq 'body' && /$div/) { my $committype="web"; if (defined $message[0] && $message[0]->{line}=~/^web commit by (\w+):?(.*)/) { $user="$1"; $message[0]->{line}=$2; } else { $committype="svn"; } push @ret, { rev => $rev, user => htmllink("", $user, 1), committype => $committype, when => $when, message => [@message], pages => [@pages], } if @pages; return @ret if @ret >= $num; $state='header'; $rev=$user=$when=undef; @pages=@message=(); } elsif ($state eq 'body') { push @message, {line => escapeHTML($_)}, } } } return @ret; } #}}} sub rcs_getctime () { #{{{ eval q{use Date::Parse}; foreach my $page (keys %pagectime) { my $file="$config{srcdir}/$pagesources{$page}"; next unless -e $file; my $child = open(SVNLOG, "-|"); if (! $child) { exec("svn", "log", $file) || error("svn log $file failed to run"); } my $date; while () { if (/$svn_log_infoline/) { $date=$3; } } close SVNLOG || warn "svn log $file exited $?"; if (! defined $date) { warn "failed to parse svn log for $file\n"; next; } $pagectime{$page}=$date=str2time($date); debug("found ctime ".localtime($date)." for $page"); } } #}}} 1