#!/usr/bin/perl package IkiWiki::Plugin::mirrorlist; use warnings; use strict; use IkiWiki 3.00; sub import { hook(type => "getsetup", id => "mirrorlist", call => \&getsetup); hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "mirrorlist", call => \&pagetemplate); } sub getsetup () { return plugin => { safe => 1, rebuild => 1, section => "web", }, mirrorlist => { type => "string", example => {}, description => "list of mirrors", safe => 1, rebuild => 1, }, mirrorlist_use_cgi => { type => 'boolean', example => 1, description => "generate links that point to the mirrors' ikiwiki CGI", safe => 1, rebuild => 1, }, } sub checkconfig () { if (! defined $config{mirrorlist_use_cgi}) { $config{mirrorlist_use_cgi}=0; } } sub pagetemplate (@) { my %params=@_; my $template=$params{template}; if ($template->query(name => "extrafooter") && keys %{$config{mirrorlist}} > 0) { my $value=$template->param("extrafooter"); $value.=mirrorlist($params{page}); $template->param(extrafooter => $value); } } sub mirrorlist ($) { my $page=shift; return ($config{html5} ? '' : ''); } 1