#!/usr/bin/perl package IkiWiki::Plugin::highlight; # This has been tested with highlight 2.16 and highlight 3.2+svn19. # In particular version 3.2 won't work. It detects the different # versions by the presence of the the highlight::DataDir class. use warnings; use strict; use IkiWiki 3.00; use Encode; my $data_dir; sub import { hook(type => "getsetup", id => "highlight", call => \&getsetup); hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "highlight", call => \&checkconfig); # this hook is used by the format plugin hook(type => "htmlizeformat", id => "highlight", call => \&htmlizeformat, last => 1); } sub getsetup () { return plugin => { safe => 1, rebuild => 1, # format plugin section => "format", }, tohighlight => { type => "string", example => ".c .h .cpp .pl .py Makefile:make", description => "types of source files to syntax highlight", safe => 1, rebuild => 1, }, filetypes_conf => { type => "string", example => "/etc/highlight/filetypes.conf", description => "location of highlight's filetypes.conf", safe => 0, rebuild => undef, }, langdefdir => { type => "string", example => "/usr/share/highlight/langDefs", description => "location of highlight's langDefs directory", safe => 0, rebuild => undef, }, } sub checkconfig () { eval q{use highlight}; if (highlight::DataDir->can('new')){ $data_dir=new highlight::DataDir(); $data_dir->searchDataDir(""); } else { $data_dir=undef; } if (! exists $config{filetypes_conf}) { $config{filetypes_conf}= ($data_dir ? $data_dir->getConfDir() : "/etc/highlight/") . "filetypes.conf"; } if (! exists $config{langdefdir}) { $config{langdefdir}= ($data_dir ? $data_dir->getLangPath("") : "/usr/share/highlight/langDefs"); } if (exists $config{tohighlight} && read_filetypes()) { foreach my $file (split ' ', $config{tohighlight}) { my @opts = $file=~s/^\.// ? (keepextension => 1) : (noextension => 1); my $ext = $file=~s/:(.*)// ? $1 : $file; my $langfile=ext2langfile($ext); if (! defined $langfile) { error(sprintf(gettext( "tohighlight contains unknown file type '%s'"), $ext)); } hook( type => "htmlize", id => $file, call => sub { my %params=@_; highlight($langfile, $params{content}); }, longname => sprintf(gettext("Source code: %s"), $file), @opts, ); } } } sub htmlizeformat { my $format=lc shift; my $langfile=ext2langfile($format); if (! defined $langfile) { return; } return Encode::decode_utf8(highlight($langfile, shift)); } my %ext2lang; my $filetypes_read=0; my %highlighters; # Parse highlight's config file to get extension => language mappings. sub read_filetypes () { my $f; if (!open($f, $config{filetypes_conf})) { warn($config{filetypes_conf}.": ".$!); return 0; }; local $/=undef; my $config=<$f>; close $f; # highlight >= 3.2 format (bind-style) while ($config=~m/Lang\s*=\s*\"([^"]+)\"[,\s]+Extensions\s*=\s*{([^}]+)}/sg) { my $lang=$1; foreach my $bit (split ',', $2) { $bit=~s/.*"(.*)".*/$1/s; $ext2lang{$bit}=$lang; } } # highlight < 3.2 format if (! keys %ext2lang) { foreach (split("\n", $config)) { if (/^\$ext\((.*)\)=(.*)$/) { $ext2lang{$_}=$1 foreach $1, split ' ', $2; } } } return $filetypes_read=1; } # Given a filename extension, determines the language definition to # use to highlight it. sub ext2langfile ($) { my $ext=shift; my $langfile="$config{langdefdir}/$ext.lang"; return $langfile if exists $highlighters{$langfile}; read_filetypes() unless $filetypes_read; if (exists $ext2lang{$ext}) { return "$config{langdefdir}/$ext2lang{$ext}.lang"; } # If a language only has one common extension, it will not # be listed in filetypes, so check the langfile. elsif (-e $langfile) { return $langfile; } else { return undef; } } # Interface to the highlight C library. sub highlight ($$) { my $langfile=shift; my $input=shift; eval q{use highlight}; if ($@) { print STDERR gettext("warning: highlight perl module not available; falling back to pass through"); return $input; } my $gen; if (! exists $highlighters{$langfile}) { $gen = highlight::CodeGenerator::getInstance($highlight::XHTML); $gen->setFragmentCode(1); # generate html fragment $gen->setHTMLEnclosePreTag(1); # include stylish
		if ($data_dir){
			# new style, requires a real theme, but has no effect
		} else {
			# old style, anything works.
		$gen->loadLanguage($langfile); # must come after initTheme
	else {		

	return $gen->generateString($input);