When editing a page, it would help to have a "preview changes" or "show diff" button, which brings up a diff from the current page content to the proposed new page content. --[[JoshTriplett]] Some discussion from the main [[/index/discussion]] page: >It would be nice to be able to have a button to show "Differences" (or "Show Diff") when >editing a page. Is that an option that can be enabled? > >> It's doable, it could even be done by a [[todo/plugin]], I think. >> --[[Joey]] --- I need help with this. Supposedly, such a plugin would provide a `formbuilder_setup` hook which would add the button, and a cgi hook which would interecept "Show Diff" clicks. This would show a diff between `titlepage(possibly_foolish_untaint($form->field("page")))` and the provided `$form->field("editcontent")`. But: * How could the case of concurrent editing be handled ? Especially as (I think) only the RCS backend can know that this has happened. * May I hijack the `page_preview` template variable to show my diff output? (the patch below assumes this). * Using the formbuilder hook to add a button, and coerce `editpage()` into showing the edit form again rather that saving the page needs the following patch. (note that this is not the only template which has its submit buttons hardcoded; is this supposed to work around something?) I've got a [preliminary implementation](http://www.jk.fr.eu.org/ikiwiki/showdiff.pm), which depends on [this patch](http://www.jk.fr.eu.org/ikiwiki/pluggable_editpage_buttons.diff) and the [[plugins/contrib/plaintext]] plugin. There is still some tweaking needed, though. --[[JeremieKoenig]]