[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://smcv.pseudorandom.co.uk/" nickname="smcv" subject="use trail=yes, and an extra inline with archive=yes" date="2012-08-04T17:22:18Z" content=""" To get just the titles of older posts, you want an inline with `archive=\"yes\"`, probably one that skips the same number of posts displayed in full: [[!inline pages=\"blog/* and !*/Discussion\" skip=\"10\" feeds=\"no\" archive=\"yes\"]] To get 'next' and 'previous' links on each post, use a recent IkiWiki version, enable the [[plugins/trail]] plugin and add `trail=\"yes\"` to your main inline: [[!inline pages=\"blog/* and !*/Discussion\" show=\"10\" trail=\"yes\"]] For instance see [my blog](http://git.pseudorandom.co.uk/pseudorandom.co.uk/smcv.git/blob/83e9a713d77778b58460ed04f6c48665d817f3cd:/index.mdwn). """]]