[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnWrt_1YwzE4yP3dF061Wy7uNjPDefJm_I" nickname="Marius" subject="that works sort of, depending on the extention" date="2013-10-18T12:03:26Z" content=""" [[setup.txt]] - opens the plain text in the same browser window [[settings.xml]] - opens the formatted xml as html i.e. I can't right click and save as, I have to copy the text, create an empty file and paste it in [[.gitignore]] - it does not recognise this file, I have to rename it to gitignore.txt and explain to the user to rename it. What I would like is a way to consistently get a dialog that asks the user where to save the file with the correct default file name.. I've recently figured out how to do this with javascript - it's a bit messy but it works: http://stackoverflow.com/a/11486284/381083 thanks """]]