#!/usr/bin/perl # # Produce a hierarchical map of links. # # by Alessandro Dotti Contra # # Revision: 0.2 package IkiWiki::Plugin::map; use warnings; use strict; use IkiWiki 3.00; sub import { hook(type => "getsetup", id => "map", call => \&getsetup); hook(type => "preprocess", id => "map", call => \&preprocess); } sub getsetup () { return plugin => { safe => 1, rebuild => undef, }, } sub preprocess (@) { my %params=@_; $params{pages}="*" unless defined $params{pages}; # Needs to update whenever a page is added or removed (or in some # cases, when its content changes, if show= is specified). my $deptype=deptype(exists $params{show} ? "content" : "presence"); my $common_prefix; # Get all the items to map. my %mapitems; foreach my $page (use_pagespec($params{page}, $params{pages}, deptype => $deptype)) { if (exists $params{show} && exists $pagestate{$page} && exists $pagestate{$page}{meta}{$params{show}}) { $mapitems{$page}=$pagestate{$page}{meta}{$params{show}}; } else { $mapitems{$page}=''; } # Check for a common prefix. if (! defined $common_prefix) { $common_prefix=$page; } elsif (length $common_prefix && $page !~ /^\Q$common_prefix\E(\/|$)/) { my @a=split(/\//, $page); my @b=split(/\//, $common_prefix); $common_prefix=""; while (@a && @b && $a[0] eq $b[0]) { if (length $common_prefix) { $common_prefix.="/"; } $common_prefix.=shift(@a); shift @b; } } } # Common prefix should not be a page in the map. while (defined $common_prefix && length $common_prefix && exists $mapitems{$common_prefix}) { $common_prefix=IkiWiki::dirname($common_prefix); } # Create the map. my $parent=""; my $indent=0; my $openli=0; my $addparent=""; my $map = "
\n"; if (! keys %mapitems) { # return empty div for empty map $map .= "
\n"; return $map; } else { $map .= "\n"; } } while ($depth < $indent) { $indent--; $map .= "\n"; if ($indent > 0) { $map .= "\n"; } } my @bits=split("/", $item); my $p=""; $p.="/".shift(@bits) for 1..$indent; while ($depth > $indent) { $indent++; if ($indent > 1) { $map .= "\n"; } $map .= "\n"; return $map; } 1