ikiwiki 3.20130710 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * blogspam: Fix encoding issue in RPC::XML call. Thanks, Changaco * comments: The formats allowed to be used in comments can be configured using comments\_allowformats. Thanks, Michal Sojka * calendar: When there are multiple pages for a given day, they're displayed in a popup on mouseover. Thanks, Louis * osm: Remove trailing slash from KML maps icon. * page.tmpl: omit searchform, trails, sidebar and most metadata in CGI (smcv) * openid: Automatically upgrade openid\_realm to https when accessed via https. * The ip() pagespec can now contain glob characters to match eg, a subnet full of spammers. * Fix crash that could occur when a needsbuild hook returned a file that does not exist. * Fix python proxy to not crash when fed unicode data in getstate and setstate. Thanks, chrysn * Fix committing attachments when using svn."""]]