[[!comment format=mdwn username="spalax" ip="" subject="comment 3" date="2014-05-17T13:49:14Z" content=""" > I need a plugin of exactly the same kind, but which calls other tools, such as Dia and Inkspace. > In addition, embedding into a page means the same image may end up being generated > many times. So it's best to generate the image as an attachment of some page, and then > all other pages in the wiki can use it. What do you think? Then the [[plugins/contrib/pandoc]] may be a good start, since *you can configure it for Pandoc to take over processing of all .mkdn files, or only files with a different extension.* Have a look at it to make your plugin process files with a particular extension. Then, it will be possible to have several pages refer to the same file, generated only once (maybe by storing stuff in `%pagestate` or `%wikistate`. Have a look at [[plugins/write]] to write your plugin. > Also, if I write a plugin (and test it of course), where do I publish it so people can > see and enjoy it? Is [[plugins]] moderated? What is usually done is: - you publish your code somewhere (your server, or on github or something like that); - you advertise your plugin by creating a subpage of [[plugins/contrib]]. Use the [[templates/plugin]] [[template|templates]] (it generates the frame you can see on the right of [[one of my plugins|plugins/contrib/jscalendar]], for example): \[[!template id=plugin name=YourFancyPlugin author=\"[[fr33domlover]]\"]] -- [[Louis|spalax]] """]]