[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://smcv.pseudorandom.co.uk/" nickname="smcv" subject="not supported at the moment" date="2011-01-24T15:17:59Z" content=""" This isn't supported, because [[ikiwiki/directive/template]] templates don't run `pagetemplate` hooks (which is how information gets from [[ikiwiki/directive/meta]] into, for instance, `page.tmpl`). The only inputs to the `HTML::Template` are the parameters passed to the directive, plus the `raw_`-prefixed versions of those, plus the extra parameters passed to every `preprocess` hook (currently `page`, `destpage` and `preview`). I think having `pagetemplate` hooks run for this sort of template by default would be rather astonishing, but perhaps some sort of opt-in while defining the template would be reasonable? One problem with that is that the templates used by [[ikiwiki/directive/template]] are just wiki pages, and don't really have any special syntax support. """]]