#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Cwd q{abs_path}; use Data::Dumper; use IkiWiki; package IkiWiki; sub gen_wrapper () { #{{{ $config{srcdir}=abs_path($config{srcdir}); $config{destdir}=abs_path($config{destdir}); my $this=abs_path($0); if (! -x $this) { error("$this doesn't seem to be executable"); } if ($config{setup}) { error("cannot create a wrapper that uses a setup file"); } my $wrapper=possibly_foolish_untaint($config{wrapper}); if (! defined $wrapper || ! length $wrapper) { error("wrapper filename not specified"); } delete $config{wrapper}; my @envsave; push @envsave, qw{REMOTE_ADDR QUERY_STRING REQUEST_METHOD REQUEST_URI CONTENT_TYPE CONTENT_LENGTH GATEWAY_INTERFACE HTTP_COOKIE} if $config{cgi}; my $envsave=""; foreach my $var (@envsave) { $envsave.=<<"EOF" if ((s=getenv("$var"))) asprintf(&newenviron[i++], "%s=%s", "$var", s); EOF } if ($config{rcs} eq "svn" && $config{notify}) { # Support running directly as hooks/post-commit by passing # $2 in REV in the environment. $envsave.=<<"EOF" if (argc == 3) asprintf(&newenviron[i++], "REV=%s", argv[2]); else if ((s=getenv("REV"))) asprintf(&newenviron[i++], "%s=%s", "REV", s); EOF } $Data::Dumper::Indent=0; # no newlines my $configstring=Data::Dumper->Dump([\%config], ['*config']); $configstring=~s/\\/\\\\/g; $configstring=~s/"/\\"/g; $configstring=~s/\n/\\\n/g; open(OUT, ">$wrapper.c") || error("failed to write $wrapper.c: $!");; print OUT <<"EOF"; /* A wrapper for ikiwiki, can be safely made suid. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include extern char **environ; int main (int argc, char **argv) { /* Sanitize environment. */ char *s; char *newenviron[$#envsave+5]; int i=0; $envsave newenviron[i++]="HOME=$ENV{HOME}"; newenviron[i++]="WRAPPED_OPTIONS=$configstring"; newenviron[i]=NULL; environ=newenviron; execl("$this", "$this", NULL); perror("failed to run $this"); exit(1); } EOF close OUT; if (system("gcc", "$wrapper.c", "-o", $wrapper) != 0) { error("failed to compile $wrapper.c"); } unlink("$wrapper.c"); if (defined $config{wrappermode} && ! chmod(oct($config{wrappermode}), $wrapper)) { error("chmod $wrapper: $!"); } print "successfully generated $wrapper\n"; } #}}} 1