#!/usr/bin/perl package IkiWiki::Plugin::theme; use warnings; use strict; use IkiWiki 3.00; sub import { hook(type => "getsetup", id => "theme", call => \&getsetup); hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "theme", call => \&checkconfig); hook(type => "needsbuild", id => "theme", call => \&needsbuild); } sub getsetup () { return plugin => { safe => 1, rebuild => 0, section => "web", }, theme => { type => "string", example => "actiontabs", description => "name of theme to enable", safe => 1, rebuild => 0, }, } my $added=0; sub checkconfig () { if (! $added && exists $config{theme} && $config{theme} =~ /^\w+$/) { add_underlay("themes/".$config{theme}); $added=1; } } sub needsbuild ($) { my $needsbuild=shift; if (($config{theme} || '') ne ($wikistate{theme}{currenttheme} || '')) { # theme changed; ensure all files in the theme are built my %needsbuild=map { $_ => 1 } @$needsbuild; if ($config{theme}) { foreach my $file (glob("$config{underlaydirbase}/themes/$config{theme}/*")) { if (-f $file) { my $f=IkiWiki::basename($file); push @$needsbuild, $f unless $needsbuild{$f}; } } } elsif ($wikistate{theme}{currenttheme}) { foreach my $file (glob("$config{underlaydirbase}/themes/$wikistate{theme}{currenttheme}/*")) { my $f=IkiWiki::basename($file); if (-f $file && defined eval { srcfile($f) }) { push @$needsbuild, $f; } } } $wikistate{theme}{currenttheme}=$config{theme}; } } 1