Some elements of [HTML5]( can be safely supported by ikiwiki. There are [several differences between HTML4 and HTML5]( * [HTML5 branch](;h=refs/heads/html5) * [ikiwiki instance with HTML5 templates]( * [HTML5 outliner tool]( -- to check you have the structure of your markup correct # needs to not scrub new HTML5 elements * [new elements]( # HTML5 Validation and t/html.t []( is the authorative HTML5 validator, however it is almost impossible to sanely introduce as a build dependency because of its insane Java requirements. :( I test locally via [cURL](, though Debian packages cannot be built with a network dependency. In the future, hopefully ikiwiki can test for valid HTML5 using [Relax NG schema]( using a Debian package tool [rnv]( # HTML5 migration issues # [article]( element This element is poorly supported by browsers. As a workaround, `style.css` needs: article { display: block; } Internet Explorer will display it as a block, though you can't seem to be further control the style. # Validator complains with no h1-h6 in header * [#509]( ## Time element The [time element]( ideally needs the datatime= attribute set by a template variable with what [HTML5 defines as a valid datetime string]( As a workaround: au:~% grep timeformat natalian.setup timeformat => '%Y-%m-%d',