ikiwiki 3.20100102.3 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" Happy palindrome day! * pagestats: Add show parameter. Closes: #[562129](http://bugs.debian.org/562129) (David Paleino) * toc: Add startlevel parameter. (kerravonsen) * Remove example ikiwiki setup file from the Debian package. This re-enables linking to /usr/share/ikiwiki/examples which has the example sites also used by auto-blog.setup. The example setup file can be generated at any time using ikiwiki --dumpsetup so I do not see a reason to ship it. Closes: #[562183](http://bugs.debian.org/562183) * Use env hack in python scripts. * comments: Add a checksum to the name of comment pages, to avoid merge conflicts when comments are posted to two branches of a site. * linkmap: Add option to omit disconnected pages from the map. * inline: Fix bug that limited displayed pages when feedshow was specified w/o show. * Fix several places that did not properly handle capitalization of the discussionpage setting. Specifically, fixes discussion actions on discussion pages, and unbreaks the opendiscussion plugin."""]]