News for ikiwiki 3.13: The `ikiwiki-transition deduplinks` command introduced in the last release was buggy. If you followed the NEWS file instructions and ran it, you should run `ikiwiki -setup` to rebuild your wiki to fix the problem. ikiwiki 3.13 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * ikiwiki-transition: If passed a nonexistant srcdir, or one not containing .ikiwiki, abort with an error rather than creating it. * Allow underlaydir to be overridden without messing up inclusion of other underlays via add\_underlay. * More friendly display of markdown, textile in edit form selector (jmtd) * Allow curly braces to be used in pagespecs, and avoid a whole class of potential security problems, by avoiding performing any string interpolation on user-supplied data when translating pagespecs. * ikiwiki-transition: Allow setup files to be passed to all subcommands that need a srcdir. * ikiwiki-transition: deduplinks was broken and threw away all metadata stored by plugins in the index. Fix this bug. * listdirectives: Avoid listing \_comment directives and generally assume any directive starting with \_ is likewise internal."""]]