[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawk8U772S3jDrZJCO0WA5WaDLjJv5mMl6Yw" nickname="Nadine" subject="It was an Apache problem..." date="2014-10-16T14:57:26Z" content=""" Hello, thank you for your comments. The problem comes from the Apache configuration. I use a git-http-backend on this server and I affect the content of the REMOTE_USER environment variable like this: SetEnv REMOTE_USER=$REDIRECT_REMOVE_USER Ikiwiki CGI seems to use this variable to determine which is the current user. Even if the variable content is NULL, ikiwiki.cgi use it. I just changed this to: SetEnvIf Request_URI \"^/git/\" REMOTE_USER=$REDIRECT_REMOVE_USER and everything runs Ok now... Sorry for bothering Ikiwikiboard with an HTTP server problem. """]]