[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://smcv.pseudorandom.co.uk/" nickname="smcv" subject="comment 1" date="2012-01-03T11:29:59Z" content=""" Change the [[ikiwiki/pagespec]] in the `inline`, for instance from `posts/*` to `page(posts/*)`. `page(*)` only matches \"pages\" (things that get rendered to HTML, which is just `.mdwn` files in a default ikiwiki, but can include other things with the right plugins). On my blog I use \"`2* and copyright(*)`\", which is a bit of a hack: it matches files in the directories I use for posts (which are year-based), but only if they have an explicit copyright statement - which my blog posts do, but \"structural\" pages (like a list of all posts from 2011) don't. """]]