Access keys (i.e., keyboard shortcuts) can be defined for common features. Something like the following: * 1 - Homepage * 2 - Search box * E - Edit * R - RecentChanges * H - History * P - Preferences * D - Discussion * S - Save the current page (when editing) * C - Cancel the current edit * V - Preview the current page Then, for example, in Firefox one could press Alt+Shift+E to edit the page. For links, this is implemented as: RecentChanges and for forms buttons: --[[JasonBlevins]], March 21, 2008 18:05 EDT - - - There are also a few thoughts about access keys on the [[main_discussion_page|index/discussion]]. The main criticism there it seems is that some browsers implement access keys in a way (via the Alt key) that allows them to override built-in keyboard shortcuts. I believe this is not a problem any longer in Firefox (which uses the Shift+Alt prefix) but I suppose it could still be a problem in other browsers. Another criticism is that most browsers do not display the access keys that are defined. The [article][] cited on the main discussion page suggests underlining the relevant mnemonic. I think it would be sufficient to just list them in the basewiki documentation somewhere. [article]: It's an unfortunate situation—I'd like an alternative to the rodent but there are quite a few downsides to using access keys. Tabbing isn't quite the same as a nice shortcut key. There's always Conkeror... --[[JasonBlevins]], March 22, 2008 10:35 EDT