[[template id=plugin name=openid included=1 author="[[Joey]]"]] [[tag type/auth]] This plugin allows users to use their [OpenID](http://openid.net/) to log into the wiki. The plugin needs the `Net::OpenID::Consumer` perl module. The `LWPx::ParanoidAgent` perl module is used if available, for added security. Finally, the `Crypt::SSLeay` perl module is needed to support users entering "https" OpenID urls. This plugin supports the [myopenid.com affiliate program](http://myopenid.com/affiliate_welcome), which can be used to help users sign up for an OpenID and log into your site in a single, unified process. When you create the affiliate, specify a login url like `http://example.com/ikiwiki.cgi?do=postsignin`. Users who create an OpenID will then be logged in and sent on their way in the wiki. This plugin has a configuration option. You can set `--openidsignup` to the url of a third-party site where users can sign up for an OpenID. If it's set, the signin page will link to that page. To make the wiki's signin page direct users to the affiliate signup page, set the `openidsignup` configuration parameter to the URL of the signup page. This plugin is included in ikiwiki, but is not enabled by default.