When the wiki stores lists of pages, such as pages that are locked or pages whose commit emails you want subscribe to, it uses a GlobList. This is a list of page names, separated by white space. The "glob" bit is that as well as full page names, it can contain glob patterns. "`*`" stands in for any part of the page name, and "`?`" for any single letter of its name. So if you wanted to list all the pages about tea, and any [[SubPage]]s of the SandBox, but not including the SandBox itself: *tea* SandBox/* You can also prefix an item in the list with "`!`" to skip matching any pages that match it. So if you want to specify all pages except for Discussion pages and the SandBox: * !SandBox !*/Discussion It's also possible to match pages that link to a given page, by writing "link(page)" in a globlist. Or, match pages that a given page links to, by writing "backlink(page)".