/mit/__init__.py contains some useful functionality for Django applications running at MIT, particularly on the scripts.mit.edu platform - zephyr(msg, clas, instance, rcpt) sends a zephyr (by shelling out to zwrite). This may be useful for debugging or logging - ScriptsRemoteUserMiddleware and ScriptsRemoteUserBackend work together to auto-create users from certificates on scripts.mit.edu-hosted sites. Account details are automatically retrieved from LDAP. - scripts_login is a view that tries to log users into a site using certs. To use them, you'll probably want to symlink or copy the "mit" directory into your project, add it to your apps list, and modify your middlewares and auth backend appropriately. Do *not* link this (the "django" directory) into your app; it's reasonably likely to break your "import django.foo" statements. This code is descended from work on Remit (https://remit.scripts.mit.edu/trac/) and the ASA DB (https://asa.scripts.mit.edu/trac/); current and past bugs are likely to be filed there.