Zephyr at MIT doesn't support* limiting who can sub to a zephyr class, so if you want to have reasonably private conversations, encrypting them is a good idea. `zcrypt` is the standard tool used for doing that. `zcrypt` encrypts message bodies, but not the message metadata. In particular, instances are visible to anyone who receives a message (as are senders, times, zsigs, etc., though that's less-frequently an issue). ## Creating a `zcrypt`ed zephyr class The main requirement for a `zcrypt`ed zephyr class is to have a key and distribute it to all the users of the class. Typically, this is done by storing the key in AFS. You can set that up with: mkdir -p ~/Public/zcrypt/label/ # Pick an arbitrary label for your class. fs sa ~/Public/zcrypt/label/ system:anyuser none # Keep randoms from reading your key fs sa ~/Public/zcrypt/label/ system:groupname read # Allow an appropriate user/group to read the key tr -d '\000\n' < /dev/urandom | head -c 126 > ~/Public/zcrypt/label/key.zcrypt The first three lines create a directory to store the key in, and set the permissions properly. You should replace `label` with an appropriate name; you may want to use something besides the class name in order to help keep the class name private. Subbing to the class will disclose traffic patterns and instances used, so you may want to use the traditional "secret class" (keeping the name secret) as a first line of defense, in addition to `zcrypt`. The last line creates the key, which should be a random byte string of at least 126 characters, none of which should be null or newlines. ## Subbing to a `zcrypt`ed zephyr class This may vary between clients. For traditional zephyr clients, you should sub as usual (in Barnowl, run `:sub classname`). You should also have been told a key path. In the example above, that would be `/mit/user/Public/zcrypt/label/key.zcrypt` (where `user` is your Athena username). You can configure the key by running echo "crypt-classname: AES:/mit/user/Public/zcrypt/label/key.zcrypt" >> ~/.crypt-table Replace `classname` and the path appropriately. (You can also leave off "AES:" to use the key with 1DES, but that is very weak, and should not be used in new classes.) * This is only mostly true. Zephyr supports limiting who can sub to zephyr classes, and Moira has support to control zephyr's support. However, there's no self-service support for setting up ACL'd classes, and I don't believe anybody with the relevant bits in interested in setting up classes for student groups or similar uses, so the technical ability isn't practically useful.