[Gutenbach](http://github.com/jhamrick/gutenbach) is the software that powers sipbmp3, the system for playing music in the SIPB office. Installing it and configuring it is simple: 1. Download the latest version; if you're on a Debathena machine, you can run `add gutenbach` and be done (you might want to add this line to your `~/.bashrc` or `~/.profile` so you don't have to do it each time. If not, then either `git clone git://github.com/jhamrick/gutenbach.git` into a suitable directory or pick the latest download from [the downloads page](http://github.com/jhamrick/gutenbach/downloads). Then `sudo make install` in the gutenbach/ directory to install the scripts into your `/usr/local/bin` directory. 2. `gutenbach-client-config -a sipbmp3 -h zsr.mit.edu` to tell gutenbach about the sipbmp3 queue on the machine zsr.mit.edu 3. `gutenbach-client-config -s sipbmp3` to set sipbmp3 as the default queue. That's it! You can use `gbr file.mp3` to queue a file, `gbr dir/*` to queue all the files in a directory; `gbq` to list all the files in the queue, and `gbrm [all|current|last|ID]` to remove all songs/the current song/the very last song/the song with the given ID.