[[!meta title="The SIPB Website"]] [[!toc ]] ## Design * The design is equivalent to the old design, just with the design trends of the current time (alternatively, built in the 21st century, but without sufficient design clue) * What do we put on the right side? * Rectangles and straight lines make it look angular and stark * The design is too generic; needs more SIPB personality, so that another website couldn't just be swapped in (Define SIPB personality) * Consider rebranding possibilities (e.g. making fuzzball more "internal" like octocat on github, developing new logos, etc.) (publicity opportunities) ## Todo * make style usable for other SIPB sites? * make title == alt on images * sipb-door widgets * other widgets * usability tests * table of contents doesn't work. Likely to do with the co-opting of h1 exclusively for breadcrumbs ... ### Done * migrate sipb.mit.edu/doc * git push (scripts-git, or gitosis on an XVM) * commit zephyrs for git (ikiwiki.git) * breadcrumbs style * add a grumpy fuzzball favicon to replace the ikiwiki one. * feel free to make a better one if you like ~fawkes * all those other things we did before putting our todo here... ## How Things Work ###When a request comes in: a connection comes in for sipb.mit.edu which via a hack in MIT DNS gets directed instead to PENGUIN-LUST.MIT.EDU. If its on ports 80, (443?), or 444 it gets passed off to scripts (where it's handled by b-m or b-k, whichever). The DocumentRoot for sipb.mit.edu is `/afs/sipb.mit.edu/project/sipb-www/web_scripts/sipb`. This directory contains a `.htaccess` file that causes most URIs to be served out of `web_scripts/sipb/_wiki`, a symlink to `../../Scripts/wiki`. This directory's contents are static files generated by ikiwiki after each edit. ###For development's sake: ####How do I make edits? If you want to just edit contents, use the web interface (edit links at bottom of page) or "git clone git+ssh://sipb-www@scripts.mit.edu/mit/sipb-www/git/wiki", make your edits in the mdwn, etc. When you commit, ikiwiki should get automatically republished as HTML. To work on the code surrounding the wiki in addition to the wikitext, clone the superrepo: $ git clone git+ssh://sipb-www@scripts.mit.edu/mit/sipb-www/git/sipb-www $ cd sipb-www $ git submodule update --init You can also clone directly from the filesystem if you have AFS permission. If you want a preview of your pages to be generated locally, you can use the generate-preview.sh script in the superrepo: $ git clone /mit/sipb-www/git/sipb-www $ cd sipb-www $ git submodule update --init $ # make changes here $ mkdir /tmp/sipb-out $ ./generate-preview.sh /tmp/sipb-out $ firefox /tmp/sipb-out/index.html ####Detailed Locker Layout . |-- Scripts | |-- wiki: the published HTML that you are being served right now | |-- wiki-cgi: CGI scripts for the wiki | \-- writable: directory containing files writable by scripts | dotfiles such as .bash_history are symlinked here |-- git | |-- sipb-www.git: the master repo; other repos are submodules | |-- wiki.git: home of the wiki content as markdown, etc | \-- ikiwiki.git: the repo for SIPB's local variation on ikiwiki |-- checkout: automatically updated checkout of sipb-www.git |-- arch | \-- amd64_fedora9_scripts: binaries related to publishing ikiwiki |-- bin, lib, sbin: links into arch |-- man: a link into arch, ikiwiki manpages. | add sipb-www to get them into MANPATH |-- share -> arch/amd64_fedora9_scripts/share | |-- ikiwiki: where some basic things are pulled from during build | |-- locale: i18n things we aren't using | `-- man: where the manpages really live |-- ikiwiki: think of it as like a mix of etc and build | |-- cgitrc : configuration for cgit | |-- ikiwiki.setup: configuration for ikiwiki | `-- src: where ikiwiki checks out wiki.git for building |-- planet: Source code and templates for Planet SIPB | `-- sipb/basic: Our configuration |-- src | \-- cgit: where cgit was built from (not actively changed) |-- web_scripts | |-- cgit: what you look at when you click on "History" | |-- doc: the old Trac wiki | |-- radiant: old and irrelevant | |-- rtfm: contains an index.html identical to rtfm.html below | `-- sipb: the document root for sipb.mit.edu | |-- _wiki -> ../../Scripts/wiki | `-- _wiki-cgi -> ../../Scripts/wiki-cgi \-- web_scripts_tmp: old directory around to keep trac up-to-date. Should vanish sooner or later