[Gutenbach](http://gutenbach.mit.edu/) is the software that powers sipbmp3, the system for playing music in the SIPB office. You can use any of the following methods to print music to play on sipbmp3. *** If you are running [Debathena](https://debathena.mit.edu) but do not want to use Gutenbach, you can use sipbmp3 like a "normal Debathena printer":
`lpr -Psipbmp3 song.mp3`
`lpq -Psipbmp3`
`lprm -Psipbmp3 job#`
If you do not specify a job number, then the first song will be removed. You can specify start and stop times with options:
`lpr -Psipbmp3 song.mp3 -o start=10 -o stop=123` The numbers are in seconds, but you can also use syntax like `4m33s` or `4:33`. Instead of specifying a music file, you can alternatively print a YouTube URL from the standard input; there, you can also append flags like `start=10 stop=123` to the line, so for example you can print the line
`https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3ww0gwEszo start=10 stop=123`
Finally, you can use various synonyms for "start" or "stop", such as "begin" and "end", because the author keeps on accidentally typing the latter. *Experimental feature*: if you add `playlist` to the end of a YouTube playlist URL, sipbmp3 will attempt to queue up all the videos in the playlist. You can also add things like `start=1 stop=3`, this time to limit to a range of videos in the playlist. This is a ridiculous tower of hacks; don't look at the code.
`https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2VpR8HahKc&list=PLSdoVPM5WnndSQEXRz704yQkKwx76GvPV playlist` *** If you are not running Debathena, you can use the following command to print music to sipbmp3
`CUPS_SERVER=zsr.mit.edu lp -d sipbmp3 song.mp3` *** You can configure Gutenbach to add the queue for sipbmp3 if you are running Debathena with
`add gutenbach`
`gutenbach-client-config -a sipbmp3 -h zsr.mit.edu` You can set the sipbmp3 queue as your default queue with
`gutenbach-client-config -s sipbmp3` You can play music with gutenbach with
`gbr -q sipbmp3 song.mp3` If sipbmp3 is your default gutenbach queue, you can play music with gutenbach with
`gbr song.mp3`
Similarly, you will not need to type -q sipbmp3 to do any of the following actions with gutenbach if you set sipbmp3 as your default queue. You can list what music is currently queued to sipbmp3 with
`gbq -q sipbmp3` You can remove a song from the queue with
`gbrm -q sipbmp3 ID`
`gbrm -q sipbmp3 all`
`gbrm -q sipbmp3 current`
`gbrm -q sipbmp3 last`
which removes by job ID (found with `gbq`), all songs, current songs, or the last song, respectively. You can also install gutenbach by adding the PPA from https://launchpad.net/~gutenbach/+archive/gutenbach, then installing `gutenbach-client-config`. *** You can change the volume on sipbmp3 with `remctl`. Get the current value of the volume with
`remctl zsr v get`
The volume ranges from 0 to 31. It should usually stay around 15. Set the volume with
`remctl zsr v set #`
where `#` is the volume you would like to set. Increase the volume with
`remctl zsr v up`
Decrease the volume with
`remctl zsr v down` You can mute sipbmp3 with
`remctl zsr v mute` Apparently at some point in time the following did something
`remctl zsr mplayer pause`