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Earlier this month, I used Claude to port (parts of) an Emacs package into Rust, shrinking the execution time by a factor of 1000 or more (in one concrete case: from 90s to about 15ms). This is a variety of yak-shave that I do somewhat routinely, both professionally and in service of my personal computing environment. However, this time, Claude was able to execute substantially the entire project under my supervision without me writing almost-any lines of code, speeding up the project substantially compared to doing it by hand.
In my previous two posts "Ways to use torch.compile" and "Ways to use torch.export", I often said that PyTorch would be good for a use case, but there might be some downsides. Some of the downsides are foundational and difficult to remove. But some... just seem like a little something is missing from PyTorch. In this post, here are some things I hope we will end up shipping in 2025!
A programming model for PT2. A programming model is a an abstract description of the system that is both simple (so anyone can understand it and keep it in their head all at once) and can be used to predict the system's behavior. The torch.export programming model is an example of such a description. Beyond export, we would like to help users understand why all aspects of PT2 behave the way it does (e.g., via improved error messages), and give simple, predictable tools for working around problems when they arise. The programming model helps us clearly define the intrinsic complexity of our compiler, which we must educate users about. This is a big effort involving many folks on the PyTorch team and I hope we can share more about this effort soon.
Pre-compilation: beyond single graph export. Whenever someone realizes that torch.compile compilation is taking a substantial amount of time on expensive cluster machines, the first thing they ask is, "Why don't we just compile it in advance?" To support precompiling the torch.compile API exactly as is not so easy; unlike a traditional compiler which gets the source program directly as input, users of torch.compile must actually run their Python program to hit the regions of code that are intended to be compiled. Nor can these regions be trivially enumerated and then compiled: not only must know all the metadata input tensors flowing into a region, a user might not even know what the compiled graphs are if a model has graph breaks.
OK, but why not just run the model, dump all the compiled products, and then reuse them later? This works! Here is a POC from Nikita Shulga where a special decorator aot_compile_sticky_cache swaps between exporting a graph and running the exported product. Zhengxu Chen used a similar idea to export Whisper as a few distinct graphs, which he then manually stitched together in C++ to get a Python-free version of Whisper. If you want training to work, you can more directly integrate AOTInductor as an Inductor backend, e.g., as seen in this POC.. We are a stones throw away from working precompilation, which can guarantee no compilation at runtime, we just need to put the pieces together!
Improving caching further. There are some gaps with caching which we hope to address in the near future: (1) loading Triton cache artifacts takes a long time because we still re-parse the Triton code before doing a cache lookup (James Wu is on this), (2) if you have a lot of small graphs, remote cache ends up having to do lots of small network requests, instead of one batched network request at the beginning (Oguz Ulgen recently landed this), (3) AOTAutograd cache is not fully rolled out yet (James Wu again). These collectively should be worth a 2x speedup or even more on warm cache time.
Fix multithreading. We should just make sure multithreading works, doing the testing and fiddly thread safety auditing needed to make it work. Here's a list of multithreading related issues.
Draft mode export. Export requires a lot of upfront work to even get an exported artifact in the first place. Draft mode export capitalizes on the idea that it's OK to generate an unsound "draft" graph early in the export, because even an incorrect graph is useful for kicking the tires on the downstream processing that happens after export. A draft export gives you a graph, and it also gives you a report describing what potential problems need to be fixed to get some guarantees about the correctness of the export. You can then chip away on the problems in the report until everything is green. One of the biggest innovations of draft-mode export is pervasive use of real tensor propagation when doing export: you run the export with actual tensors, so you can always trace through code, even if it is doing spicy things like data-dependent control flow.
Libtorch-free AOTInductor. AOTInductor generated binaries have a relatively small ABI surface that needs to be implemented. This hack from the most recent CUDA Mode meetup shows that you can just create an alternate implementation of the ABI that has no dependence on libtorch. This makes your deployed binary size much smaller!
Support for bundling CUDA kernels into AOTInductor. AOTInductor already supports directly bundling Triton kernels into the generated binary, but traditional CUDA kernels cannot be bundled in this way. There's no reason this has to be the case though: all we're doing is bundling cubins in both case. If we have the ability to bundle traditional CUDA kernels into AOTInductor, this means you could potentially directly embed custom operators into AOTInductor binaries, which is nice because then those operators no longer have to be offered on the runtime (especially if you're commonly iterating on these kernels!)
Export multigraphs. Export's standard model is to give you a single graph that you call unconditionally. But it's easy to imagine a level of indirection on top of these graphs, where we can dispatch between multiple graphs depending on some arguments to the model. For example, if you have a model that optionally takes an extra Tensor argument, you can simply have two graphs, one for when the Tensor is absent, and one for when it is present.
ABI stable PyTorch extensions. It's hard work being a third-party PyTorch extension with native code, because whenever there's a new release of Python or PyTorch you have to rebuild all of your wheels. If there was a limited ABI that you could build your extension against that didn't expose CPython and only relied on a small, stable ABI of PyTorch functions, your binary packaging situation would be much simpler! And if an extension relied on a small ABI, it could even be bundled with AOTInductor binary, letting these export products be truly package agnostic (one of our lessons we learned with torch.package is picking the split between "what is packaged" and "what is not" is very difficult, and people would much rather just have everything be packaged.) Jane Xu is investigating how to do this, and separately, Scott Wolchok has been refactoring headers in libtorch so that a small set of headers can be used independently of the rest of libtorch.
by Edward Z. Yang at January 09, 2025 08:50 PM
Previously, I discussed the value proposition of torch.compile. While doing so, I observed a number of downsides (long compile time, complicated operational model, lack of packaging) that were intrinsic to torch.compile's API contract, which emphasized being able to work on Python code as is, with minimal intervention from users. torch.export occupies a different spot in the tradeoff space: in exchange for more upfront work making a model exportable, it allows for use of PyTorch models in environments where using torch.compile as is would be impossible.
Scenario: Like before, suppose you want to deploy your model for inference. However, now you have more stringent runtime requirements: perhaps you need to do inference from a CPython-less environment (because your QPS requirements require GIL-less multithreading; alternately, CPython execution overhead is unacceptable but you cannot use CUDA graphs, e.g., due to CPU inference or dynamic shapes requirements). Or perhaps your production environment requires hermetic deploy artifacts (for example, in a monorepo setup, where infrastructure code must be continually pushed but model code should be frozen). But like before, you would prefer not to have to rewrite your model; you would like the existing model to serve as the basis for your Python-less inference binary.
What to do: Use torch.export targeting AOTInductor. This will compile the model into a self-contained shared library which then can be directly invoked from a C++ runtime. This shared library contains all of the compiler generated Triton kernels as precompiled cubins and is guaranteed not to need any runtime compilation; furthermore, it relies only on a small runtime ABI (with no CPython dependency), so the binaries can be used across versions of libtorch. AOTInductor's multithreading capability and low runtime overhead also makes it a good match for CPU inference too!
You don't have to go straight to C++ CPU/GPU inference: you can start with using torch.compile on your code before investing in torch.export. There are four primary extra requirements export imposes: (1) your model must compile with fullgraph=True (though you can sometimes bypass missing Dynamo functionality by using non-strict export; sometimes, it is easier to do non-strict torch.export than it is to torch.compile!), (2) your model's inputs/outputs must only be in torch.export's supported set of argument types (think Tensors in pytrees), (3) your model must never recompile--specifically, you must specify what inputs have dynamic shapes, and (4) the top-level of your model must be an nn.Module (so that export can keep track of all of the parameters your model has).
Some tips:
Open source examples: Among other things, torchchat has an example end-to-end AOTInductor setup for server-side LLM inference, which you can view in run.cpp.
torch.export specific downsides:
AOTInductor specific downsides:
Scenario: You need to deploy your PyTorch model to edge devices (e.g., a mobile phone or a wearable device) where computational resources are limited. You have requirements that are a bit different from server size: you care a lot more about minimizing binary size and startup time. Traditional PyTorch deployment with full libtorch won't work. The device you're deploying too might also have some strange extra processors, like a DSP or NPU, that you want your model to target.
What to do: Use torch.export targeting Executorch. Among other things, Executorch offers a completely separate runtime for exported PyTorch programs (i.e., it has no dependency on libtorch, except perhaps there are a few headers which we share between the projects) which was specifically designed for edge deployment. (Historical note: we spent a long time trying to directly ship a stripped down version of libtorch to mobile devices, but it turns out it's really hard to write code that is portable on server and client, so it's better to only share when absolutely necessary.) Quantization is also a pretty important part of deployment to Edge, and Executorch incorporates this into the end-to-end workflow.
Open source examples: torchchat also has an Executorch integration letting you run an LLM on your Android phone.
Downsides. All of the export related downsides described previously apply here. But here's something to know specifically about Executorch:
Scenario: You need a new function or self-contained module with an efficient kernel implementation. However, you would prefer not to have to write the CUDA (or even Triton) by hand; the kernel is something that torch.compile can generate from higher level PyTorch implementation. At the same time, however, you cannot tolerate just-in-time compilation at all (perhaps you are doing a massive training job, and any startup latency makes it more likely that one of your nodes will fail during startup and then you make no progress at all; or maybe you just find it annoying when PyTorch goes out to lunch when you cache miss).
What to do: Use torch.export targeting AOTInductor, and then load and run the AOTInductor generated binary from Python.
Downsides. So, we know this use case works, because we have internally used this to unblock people who wanted to use Triton kernels but could not tolerate Triton's just-in-time compilation. But there's not much affordance in our APIs for this use case; for example, guard-based dispatch is often quite useful for compiled functions, but you'll have to roll that by hand. More generally, when compiling a kernel, you have to make tradeoffs about how static versus dynamic the kernel should be (for example, will you force the inputs to be evenly divisible by eight? Or would you have a separate kernel for the divisible and not divisible cases?) Once again, you're on your own for making the call there.
Scenario: In an ideal world, you would have a model, you could export it to an AOTInductor binary, and then be all done. In reality, maybe this export process needs to be a multi-stage process, where it has to be processed to some degree on one machine, and then finish processing on another machine. Or perhaps you need to shift the processing over time: you want to export a model to freeze it (so it is no longer tied to its original source code), and then repeatedly run the rest of the model processing pipeline on this exported program (e.g., because you are continuously updating its weights and then reprocessing the model). Maybe you want to export the model and then train it from Python later, committing to a distributed training strategy only when you know how many nodes you are running. The ability to hermetically package a model and then process it later is one of the big value propositions of TorchScript and torch.package.
What to do: Use torch.export by itself, potentially using pre-dispatch if you need to support training use-cases. torch.export produces an ExportedProgram which has a clean intermediate representation that you can do processing on, or just serialize and then do processing on later.
Next time: What's missing, and what we're doing about it
by Edward Z. Yang at December 24, 2024 04:28 AM
This guide is intended for MIT students, but you can still read it if you’re not one, although you won’t be able to try out XVM.
Like free stuff? If you’re an MIT student, did you know you can get a free virtual machine, courtesy of SIPB’s XVM project? That’s right, your own tiny VM, for free! Mandatory disclaimer: the VMs are indeed… very tiny, with only one core and 512 MiB of RAM, and XVM has some quirks. But you can still do a lot of cool stuff with it!
by Anthony Wang at December 11, 2024 04:45 PM
On the surface, the value proposition of torch.compile is simple: compile your PyTorch model and it runs X% faster. But after having spent a lot of time helping users from all walks of life use torch.compile, I have found that actually understanding how this value proposition applies to your situation can be quite subtle! In this post, I want to walk through the ways to use torch.compile, and within these use cases, what works and what doesn't. By the way, some of these gaps are either served by export, or by missing features we are actively working on, those will be some other posts!
Scenario: You have a model in PyTorch that you want to train at a small-medium scale (e.g., below 1K GPUs--at the 1K point there is a phase change in behavior that deserves its own section). You would like it to train faster. Locally, it's nice to get a trained model faster than you would have otherwise. But globally, the faster everyone's models train, the less GPU hours they use, which means you can run more jobs in a given time window with a fixed cluster. If your supply of GPUs is inelastic (lol), efficiency improvement means you can support more teams and use cases for the same amount of available GPUs. At a capacity planning level, this can be a pretty big deal even if you are GPU rich.
What to do: In some sense, this is the reason we built torch.compile. (When we were initially planning torch.compile, we were trying to assess if we were going after inference; but inference compilers are a much more crowded space than training compilers, and we reasoned that if we did a good job building a training compiler, inference would work too--which it did!) The dream which we sold with torch.compile is that you could slap it on the top of your model and get a speed up. This turns out to... not quite be true? But the fact remains that if you're willing to put in some work, there is almost always performance waiting at the end of the road for you. Some tips:
Open source examples: torchtune and torchtitan are two first party libraries which are intended to showcase modern PyTorch using torch.compile in a training context. There's also some training in torchao.
Scenario: You've finished training your model and you want to deploy it for inference. Here, you want to improve the efficiency of inference to improve response latency or reduce the overall resource requirements of the system, so you can use less GPUs to serve the traffic you are receiving. Admittedly, it is fairly common to just use some other, more inference friendly systems (which I will decline to name by name lol) to serve the model. But let's say you can't rewrite the model in a more serving friendly language (e.g., because the model authors are researchers and they keep changing the model, or there's a firehose of models and you don't have the money to keep continuously porting each of them, or you depend on an ecosystem of libraries that are only available in CPython).
What to do: If Python can keep up with the CPU-side QPS requirements, a way of getting good performance without very much work is taking the Python model, applying torch.compile on it in the same way as you did in training and directly using this as your inference solution. Some tips that go beyond training:
Open source examples: LLM serving on torch.compile is quite popular: vllm, sglang, tensorrt-llm, gpt-fast (this is technically not an E2E serving solution, but one of its primary reasons for existing is to serve as a starting point so you can build your own torch.compile based LLM inference stack on top of it). Stable diffusion models are also notable beneficiaries of torch.compile, e.g., diffusers.
Scenario: In both the cases above, we assumed that we had a preexisting eager model that worked, and we just wanted to make it faster. But you can also use the compiler in a load bearing way, where the model does not work without the compiler. Here are two common cases where this can occur:
What to do: Unlike in the previous cases where you took a preexisting model and slap torch.compile, this sort of use of the compiler is more likely to arise from a codevelopment approach, where you use torch.compile while you build your model, and are constantly checking what the compiler does to the code you write. Some tips:
Open source examples. SimpleFSDP as mentioned above. VLLM uses torch.compile to apply custom optimization passes. Although its implementation is considerably more involved than what you might reasonable expect a third party to implement, FlexAttention is a good example of a non-compiler feature that relies on the compiler in a load-bearing way for performance.
Downsides: Beyond the ones mentioned above:
Next time: Ways to use torch.export
by Edward Z. Yang at November 05, 2024 03:11 PM
Tensor libraries like PyTorch and JAX have developed compact and accelerated APIs for manipulating n-dimensional arrays. N-dimensional arrays are kind of similar to tables in database, and this results in the logical question which is could you setup a Tensor-like API to do queries on databases that would be normally done with SQL? We have two challenges:
However, we have a secret weapon: first class dimensions were primarily designed to as a new frontend syntax that made it easy to express einsum, batching and tensor indexing expressions. They might be good for SQL too.
Representing the database. First, how do we represent a database? A simple model following columnar database is to have every column be a distinct 1D tensor, where all columns part of the same table have a consistent indexing scheme. For simplicity, we'll assume that we support rich dtypes for the tensors (e.g., so I can have a tensor of strings). So if we consider our classic customer database of (id, name, email), we would represent this as:
customers_id: int64[C] customers_name: str[C] customers_email: str[C]
Where C is the number of the entries in the customer database. Our tensor type is written as dtype[DIM0, DIM1, ...], where I reuse the name that I will use for the first class dimension that represents it. Let's suppose that the index into C does not coincide with id (which is good, because if they did coincide, you would have a very bad time if you ever wanted to delete an entry from the database!)
This gives us an opportunity for baby's first query: let's implement this query:
SELECT, FROM customers c WHERE = 1000
Notice that the result of this operation is data-dependent: it may be zero or one depending on if the id is in the database. Here is a naive implementation in standard PyTorch:
mask = customers_id == 1000 return (customers_name[mask], customers_email[mask])
Here, we use boolean masking to perform the data-dependent filtering operation. This implementation in eager is a bit inefficient; we materialize a full boolean mask that is then fed into the subsequent operations; you would prefer for a compiler to fuse the masking and indexing together. First class dimensions don't really help with this example, but we need to introduce some new extensions to first class dimensions. First, what we can do:
C = dims(1) c_id = customers_id[C] # {C} => int64[] c_name = customers_name[C] # {C} => str[] c_email = customers_email[C] # {C} => str[] c_mask = c_id == 1000 # {C} => bool[]
Here, a tensor with first class tensors has a more complicated type {DIM0, DIM1, ...} => dtype[DIM2, DIM3, ...]. The first class dimensions are all reported in the curly braces to the left of the double arrow; curly braces are used to emphasize the fact that first class dimensions are unordered.
What next? The problem is that now we want to do something like torch.where(c_mask, c_name, ???) but we are now in a bit of trouble, because we don't want anything in the false branch of where: we want to provide something like "null" and collapse the tensor to a smaller number of elements, much like how boolean masking did it without first class dimensions. To express this, we'll introduce a binary version of torch.where that does exactly this, as well as returning the newly allocated FCD for the new, data-dependent dimension:
C2, c2_name = torch.where(c_mask, c_name) # {C2} => str[] _C2, c2_email = torch.where(c_mask, c_email) # {C2} => str[], n.b. C2 == _C2 return c2_name, c2_email
Notice that torch.where introduces a new first-class dimension. I've chosen that this FCD gets memoized with c_mask, so whenever we do more torch.where invocations we still get consistently the same new FCD.
Having to type out all the columns can be a bit tiresome. If we assume all elements in a table have the same dtype (let's call it dyn, short for dynamic type), we can more compactly represent the table as a 2D tensor, where the first dimension is the indexing as before, and the second dimension is the columns of the database. For clarity, we'll support using the string name of the column as a shorthand for the numeric index of the column. If the tensor is contiguous, this gives a more traditional row-wise database. The new database can be conveniently manipulated with FCDs, as we can handle all of the columns at once instead of typing them out individually):
customers: dyn[C, C_ATTR] C = dims(1) c = customers[C] # {C} => dyn[C_ATTR] C2, c2 = torch.where(c["id"] == 1000, c) # {C2} => dyn[C_ATTR] return c2[["name", "email"]].order(C2) # dyn[C2, ["name", "email"]]
We'll use this for the rest of the post, but the examples should be interconvertible.
Aggregation. What's the average age of all customers, grouped by the country they live in?
SELECT AVG(c.age) FROM customers c GROUP BY;
PyTorch doesn't natively support this grouping operation, but essentially what is desired here is a conversion into a nested tensor, where the jagged dimension is the country (each of which will have a varying number of countries). Let's hallucinate a torch.groupby analogous to its Pandas equivalent:
customers: dyn[C, C_ATTR] customers_by_country = torch.groupby(customers, "country") # dyn[COUNTRY, JC, C_ATTR] COUNTRY, JC = dims(2) c = customers_by_country[COUNTRY, JC] # {COUNTRY, JC} => dyn[C_ATTR] return c["age"].mean(JC).order(COUNTRY) # f32[COUNTRY]
Here, I gave the generic indexing dimension the name JC, to emphasize that it is a jagged dimension. But everything proceeds like we expect: after we've grouped the tensor and rebound its first class dimensions, we can take the field of interest and explicitly specify a reduction on the dimension we care about.
In SQL, aggregations have to operate over the entirety of groups specified by GROUP BY. However, because FCDs explicitly specify what dimensions we are reducing over, we can potentially decompose a reduction into a series of successive reductions on different columns, without having to specify subqueries to progressively perform the reductions we are interested in.
Joins. Given an order table, join it with the customer referenced by the customer id:
SELECT,, FROM orders o JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id =
First class dimensions are great at doing outer products (although, like with filtering, it will expensively materialize the entire outer product naively!)
customers: dyn[C, C_ATTR] orders: dyn[O, O_ATTR] C, O = dims(2) c = customers[C] # {C} => dyn[C_ATTR] o = orders[O] # {O} => dyn[O_ATTR] mask = o["customer_id"] == c["id"] # {C, O} => bool[] outer_product =[["id"]], c[["name", "email"]]) # {C, O} => dyn[["id", "name", "email"]] CO, co = torch.where(mask, outer_product) # {CO} => dyn[["id", "name", "email"]] return co.order(CO) # dyn[C0, ["id", "name", "email"]]
What's the point. There are a few reasons why we might be interested in the correspondence here. First, we might be interested in applying SQL ideas to the Tensor world: a lot of things people want to do in preprocessing are similar to what you do in traditional relational databases, and SQL can teach us what optimizations and what use cases we should think about. Second, we might be interested in applying Tensor ideas to the SQL world: in particular, I think first class dimensions are a really intuitive frontend for SQL which can be implemented entirely embedded in Python without necessitating the creation of a dedicated DSL. Also, this might be the push needed to get TensorDict into core.
by Edward Z. Yang at October 14, 2024 05:07 AM
One of the things that I learned in grad school is that even if you've picked an important and unsolved problem, you need some reason to believe it is solvable--especially if people have tried to solve it before! In other words, "What's different this time?" This is perhaps a dreary way of shooting down otherwise promising research directions, but you can flip it around: when the world changes, you can ask, "What can I do now that I couldn't do before?"
This post is a list of problems in areas that I care about (half of this is PL flavor, since that's what I did my PhD in), where I suspect something has changed with the advent of LLMs. It's not a list of recipes; there is still hard work to figure out how exactly an LLM can be useful (for most of these, just feeding the entire problem into ChatGPT usually doesn't work). But I often talk to people want to get started on something, anything, but have no idea to start. Try here!
Static analysis. The chasm between academic static analysis work and real world practice is the scaling problems that come with trying to apply the technique to a full size codebase. Asymptotics strike as LOC goes up, language focused techniques flounder in polyglot codebases, and "Does anyone know how to write cmake?" But this is predicated on the idea that static analysis has to operate on a whole program. It doesn't; humans can do perfectly good static analysis on fragments of code without having to hold the entire codebase in their head, without needing access to a build system. They make assumptions about APIs and can do local reasoning. LLMs can play a key role in drafting these assumptions so that local reasoning can occur. What if the LLM gets it wrong? Well, if an LLM could get it wrong, an inattentive junior developer might get it wrong too--maybe there is a problem in the API design. LLMs already do surprisingly well if you one-shot prompt them to find bugs in code; with more traditional static analysis support, maybe they can do even better.
DSL purgatory. Consider a problem that can be solved with code in a procedural way, but only by writing lots of tedious, error prone boilerplate (some examples: drawing diagrams, writing GUIs, SQL queries, building visualizations, scripting website/mobile app interactions, end to end testing). The PL dream is to design a sweet compositional DSL that raises the level of abstraction so that you can render a Hilbert curve in seven lines of code. But history is also abound with cases where the DSL did not solve the problems, or maybe it did solve the problem but only after years of grueling work, and so there are still many problems that feel like there ought to be a DSL that should solve them but there isn't. The promise of LLMs is that they are extremely good at regurgitating low level procedural actions that could conceivably be put together in a DSL. A lot of the best successes of LLMs today is putting coding powers in the hands of domain experts that otherwise do not how to code; could it also help in putting domain expertise in the hands of people who can code?
I am especially interested in these domains:
OSS bread and butter. Why is Tesseract still the number one OSS library for OCR? Why is smooth and beautiful text to voice not ubiquitous? Why is the voice control on my Tesla so bad? Why is the wake word on my Android device so unreliable? Why doesn't the screenshot parser on a fansite for my favorite mobage not able to parse out icons? The future has arrived, but it is not uniformly distributed.
Improving the pipeline from ephemeral to durable stores of knowledge. Many important sources of knowledge are trapped in "ephemeral" stores, like Discord servers, private chat conversations, Reddit posts, Twitter threads, blog posts, etc. In an ideal world, there would be a pipeline of this knowledge into more durable, indexable forms for the benefit of all, but actually doing this is time consuming. Can LLMs help? Note that the dream of LLMs is you can just feed all of this data into the model and just ask questions to it. I'm OK with something a little bit more manual, we don't have to solve RAG first.
by Edward Z. Yang at October 04, 2024 04:30 AM
Suppose we have a large collection of documents, and we wish you identify which documents are approximately the same as each other. For instance, we may have crawled the web over some period of time, and expect to have fetched the “same page” several times, but to see slight differences in metadata, or that we have several revisions of a page following small edits. In this post I want to explore the method of approximate deduplication via Jaccard similarity and the MinHash approximation trick.
I worked at Stripe for about seven years, from 2012 to 2019. Over that time, I used and contributed to many generations of Stripe’s developer environment – the tools that engineers used daily to write and test code. I think Stripe did a pretty good job designing and building that developer experience, and since leaving, I’ve found myself repeatedly describing features of that environment to friends and colleagues. This post is an attempt to record the salient features of that environment as I remember it.
I was recently introduced to the paper “Seeing the Invisible: Perceptual-Cognitive Aspects of Expertise” by Gary Klein and Robert Hoffman. It’s excellent and I recommend you read it when you have a chance. Klein and Hoffman discuss the ability of experts to “see what is not there”: in addition to observing data and cues that are present in the environment, experts perceive implications of these cues, such as the absence of expected or “typical” information, the typicality or atypicality of observed data, and likely/possible past and future time trajectories of a system based on a point-in-time snapshot or limited duration of observation.
This December, the imp of the perverse struck me, and I decided to see how many days of Advent of Code I could do purely in compile-time C++ metaprogramming. As of this writing, I’ve done two days, and I’m not sure I’ll make it any further. However, that’s one more day than I planned to do as of yesterday, which is in turn further than I thought I’d make it after my first attempt.
I have spent many years as an software engineer who was a total outsider to machine-learning, but with some curiosity and occasional peripheral interactions with it. During this time, a recurring theme for me was horror (and, to be honest, disdain) every time I encountered the widespread usage of Python pickle in the Python ML ecosystem. In addition to their major security issues1, the use of pickle for serialization tends to be very brittle, leading to all kinds of nightmares as you evolve your code and upgrade libraries and Python versions.
Suppose we’ve got a service. We’ll gloss over the details for now, but let’s stipulate that it accepts requests from the outside world, and takes some action in response. Maybe those requests are HTTP requests, or RPCs, or just incoming packets to be routed at the network layer. We can get more specific later. What can we say about its performance? All we know is that it receives requests, and that it acts on them.
What’s the “right” level of CPU utilization for a server? If you look at a monitoring dashboard from a well-designed and well-run service, what CPU utilization should we hope to see, averaged over a day or two? It’s a very general question, and it’s not clear it should have a single answer. That said, for a long time, I generally believed that higher is always better: we should aim for as close to 100% utilization as we can.
Ever since its introduction in the 2017 paper, Attention is All You Need, the Transformer model architecture has taken the deep-learning world by storm. Initially introduced for machine translation, it has become the tool of choice for a wide range of domains, including text, audio, video, and others. Transformers have also driven most of the massive increases in model scale and capability in the last few years. OpenAI’s GPT-3 and Codex models are Transformers, as are DeepMind’s Gopher models and many others.
In my day job at Anthropic, we run relatively large distributed systems to train large language models. One of the joys of using a lot of computing resources, especially on somewhat niche software stacks, is that you spend a lot of time running into the long-tail of bugs which only happen rarely or in very unusual configurations, which you happen to be the first to encounter. These bugs are frustrating, but I also often enjoy them.
One of the annoying things about scraping websites is bouncing back and forth between the browser where you are using Dev Tools to work out what selectors you should be using to scrape out data, and your actual scraping script, which is usually some batch program that may have to take a few steps before the step you are debugging. A batch script is fine once your scraper is up and running, but while developing, it's really handy to pause the scraping process at some page and fiddle around with the DOM to see what to do.
This interactive-style development is exactly what Juypter notebooks shine at; when used in conjunction with a browser-based scraping library like Puppeteer, you can have exactly this workflow. Here's the setup:
There will be a live browser instance which you can poke at using Dev Tools, and you type commands into the Jupyter notebook and see how they affect the browser state.
I tweeted about this and the commenters had some good suggestions about other things you could try:
by Edward Z. Yang at November 23, 2021 02:28 PM
CPU cycles are cheaper than they have ever been, and cloud computing has never been more ubiquitous. All the major cloud providers offer generous free tiers, and services like GitHub Actions offer free compute resources to open-source repositories. So why do so many developers still build software on their laptops? Despite the embarrassment of riches of cheap or even free cloud compute, most projects I know of, and most developers, still do most of their software development — building and running code — directly on their local machines.
Last week, Frederic Cambus wrote about building LLVM quickly on some very large machines, culminating in a 2m37s build on a 160-core ARM machine. I don’t have a giant ARM behemoth, but I have been working on a tool I call Llama, which lets you offload computational work – including C and C++ builds – onto Amazon Lambda. I decided to see how good it could do at a similar build.
I'm launching a new podcast, the PyTorch Developer Podcast. The idea is to be a place for the PyTorch dev team to do bite sized (10-20 min) topics about all sorts of internal development topics in PyTorch. For now, it's just me monologuing for fifteen minutes about whatever topic I decide. The plan is to release an episode daily, five days a week, until I run out of things to say (probably not for a while, I have SO MANY THINGS TO SAY). I don't edit the podcasts and do minimal planning, so they're a bit easier to do than blog posts. Check it out! There's two episodes out already, one about how we do Python bindings for our C++ objects and another about history and constraints of the dispatcher. If there are any topics you'd like me to cover, give a shout.
by Edward Z. Yang at May 05, 2021 03:26 PM
At Facebook, we have an internal convention for tooling called "rage". When something goes wrong and you want to report a bug, the tool developer will typically ask you to give them a rage. For a command line tool, this can be done by running a rage subcommand, which will ask about which previous CLI invocation you'd like to report, and then giving you a bundle of logs to send to the developer.
A rage has an important property, compared to a conventional log level flag like -v: rage recording is always on. In other words, it is like traditional server application logs, but applied to client software. Logging is always turned on, and the rage subcommand makes it easy for a user to send only the relevant portion of logs (e.g., the logs associated with the command line invocation that is on).
For some reason, rage functionality is not that common in open source tools. I can imagine any number of reasons why this might be the case:
Still, in the same way most sysadmins view logging as an invaluable tool for debugging server issues, I think rage reporting is an invaluable tool for debugging client issues. In ghstack, it didn't take very many lines of code to implement rage reporting: ghstack.logs (for writing the logs to the rage directory) and ghstack.rage (for reading it out). But it has greatly reduced my support load for the project; given a rage, I can typically figure out the root cause of a bug without setting up a reproducer first.
by Edward Z. Yang at April 25, 2021 04:03 AM
People who work with me tend to realize that I have Opinions about databases, and SQL databases in particular. Last week, I wrote about a Postgres debugging story and tweeted about AWS’ policy ban on internal use of SQL databases, and had occasion to discuss and debate some of those feelings on Twitter; this article is an attempt to write up more of them into a single place I can refer to.
PyTorch is a fairly large and active open source project, and sometimes we have people come to us and ask if there are any lessons from how we run PyTorch that they could apply to their own projects. This post is an attempt to describe some of the processes as of 2021 that help PyTorch operate effectively as an open source project. I won't claim that everything we do necessarily the best way to go about doing things, but at the very least, everything I describe here is working in practice.
Background. Not all open source projects are the same, and there are some peculiarities to PyTorch which may reduce the applicability of some of what I describe below in other contexts. Here are some defining features of PyTorch, as a project:
Alright, so how does PyTorch deal with its scale? Here are some of the things we do.
Issue triage. PyTorch receives too many bug reports a day for any one person to keep track of all of them. Largely inspired by this apenwarr post, we setup an oncall rotation amongst Facebook contributors to serve as first line triage for all of these issues. The golden rule of issue triage is that you DO NOT fix bugs in triage; the goal of triage is to (1) route bugs to the correct people via appropriate GitHub labels, and (2) look for high priority bugs and raise awareness of these bugs. Every week, we have a meeting to review high priority bugs (and other bugs marked for triage review) and talk about them. The oncall itself rotates daily, to discourage people from letting a week's worth of issues pile up in the backlog, and we use a relatively intricate search query to make sure only relevant issues show up for the oncall to handle.
The most important consequence of issue triage is that you can unwatch PyTorch repository as a whole. Instead, by watching various labels (using our cc bot), you can trust that you will get CC'ed to issues related to topics, even if the triager doesn't know that you're interested in the issue! The weekly meeting makes sure that all maintainers collectively have an idea about what major issues are currently affecting PyTorch, and helps socialize what we as a project think of as a "high priority" issue. Finally, the high priority label is a good way to find impactful problems to work on in the project, even if you don't know much else about the project.
Pull request triage. Similarly, we receive a decent number of drive by pull requests from one time contributors. Those people are not in a good position to find reviewers for their contributions, so we also have a triager look through these pull requests and make sure someone is assigned to review them. If the PR is particularly simple, the triager might just go ahead and merge it themselves. There's actually some good automation for doing this (e.g., homu) but we've been too lazy to set any of it up, and by hand reviewer assignment doesn't seem to be too much burden on top of the existing oncall.
Tree hugging oncall. PyTorch has a huge CI system covering many different system configurations which most contributors rely on to test if their changes are safe. Sometimes people break master. Separate from the triage oncall, we have a tree hugging oncall whose job it is to revert jobs if they break master. This oncall involves mostly paying attention to the CI HUD and reverting commits if they result in master breakage in one of the configurations.
Importing to Facebook infrastructure. We actually run Facebook infrastructure directly off of the HEAD branch in PyTorch. The tooling that makes this possible is fbshipit, which mirrors commits between Facebook's internal monorepo and our public GitHub repository. This setup has been something of a double-edged sword for us: requiring Facebook and GitHub to be in sync means that only Facebook employees can actually land pull requests (we try to streamline the process as much as possible for external maintainers, but at the end of the day someone at Facebook has to actually push the green button), but it means we don't have to worry about doing periodic "mega-imports" into Facebook infrastructure (which we have done in the past and were quite difficult to do). We are very interested in fixing this situation and have floated some proposals on changing how we do internal releases to make it possible to let external contributors land PRs directly.
RFCs. Most feature discussion happens on GitHub issues, but sometimes, a feature is too big and complicated to adequately discuss in a GitHub issue. In those cases, they can be discussed in the rfcs repository (inspired by the Rust RFCs process). The formal process on this repository isn't too solidified yet, but generally people go there if they feel that it is too difficult to discuss the issue in GitHub issues. We don't yet have a process for shepherding unsolicited RFCs.
Conclusion. PyTorch's open source process isn't rocket science: there's an oncall, the oncall does some things. The devil is in the details: all of PyTorch's oncall responsibilities are carefully scoped so that your oncall responsibilities aren't something that will take an unbounded amount of time; they're something you can knock out in an hour or two and call it a day. You could make the argument that we rely excessively on oncalls when automation is possible, but what we have found is that oncalls require less infrastructure investment, and integrate well with existing processes and flows at Facebook. They might not be right everywhere, but at least for us they seem to be doing a good job.
by Edward Z. Yang at January 06, 2021 04:56 PM
Years ago, Nadav Rotem related to me this story about why basic block procedures in Swift are not as good as they seem. Nelson Elhage reminded me about this on Twitter and so I thought this should be put into the public record.
Basic block procedures make certain optimizations more difficult. Consider this program:
block j3 (%y1, %y2) { ... } block j1 () { jump j3(%x1, %x2) } block j2 () { jump j3(%x3, %x4) }
Is this program easier or more difficult to optimize than the traditional SSA with phi-nodes formulation?
L1: goto L3 L2: goto L3 L3: %y1 = phi [%x1, %L1] [%x3, %L2] %y2 = phi [%x2, %L1] [%x4, %L2]
Suppose that the optimizer determines that y1 is unused inside j3/L3 and can be eliminated. In basic block land, y1 can be eliminated simply by deleting "y1 = phi x1 x3". However, in join point land, you have to not only eliminate y1 but also update all the call sites of j3, since you've changed the function signature. In a mutable AST, changing function signatures is a pain; in particular, the mutations you would have to do to eliminate the argument include intermediate states that are not valid ASTs (making it easy to accidentally trigger asserts.)
When I saw this example, I wondered why GHC (which has the moral equivalent of basic block procedures in the form of join points) didn't have this problem. Well, it turns out this optimization can be done as a series of local transformations. First, we do a worker/wrapper transformation, introducing an intermediate block (the worker) that drops the dead argument:
block j3 (%y1, %y2) { jump wj3(%y2) } block j1 () { jump j3(%x1, %x2) } block j2 () { jump j3(%x3, %x4) } block wj3 (%y2) { ... }
Later, we inline j3, which removes the wrapper. Worker/wrapper is a very important optimization for functional programs, but it's easy to imagine why it is less preferred in mutable compiler land.
by Edward Z. Yang at October 24, 2020 11:34 PM
Greetings from 2024! An official pattern matching PEP has been accepted and is available in Python 3.10. Class patterns are tested using isinstance, with no inheritance structure necessary, making the pattern described in this post 100% forward compatible to real pattern matching.
One of the features I miss most in non-Haskell programming languages is algebraic data types (ADT). ADTs fulfill a similar role to objects in other languages, but with more restrictions: objects are an open universe, where clients can implement new subclasses that were not known at definition time; ADTs are a closed universe, where the definition of an ADT specifies precisely all the cases that are possible. We often think of restrictions of a bad thing, but in the case of ADTs, the restriction of being a closed universe makes programs easier to understand (a fixed set of cases to understand, as opposed to a potentially infinite set of cases) and allows for new modes of expression (pattern matching). ADTs make it really easy to accurately model your data structures; they encourage you to go for precise types that make illegal states unrepresentable. Still, it is generally not a good idea to try to manually reimplement your favorite Haskell language feature in every other programming language you use, and so for years I've suffered in Python under the impression that ADTs were a no go.
Recently, however, I have noticed that a number of new features in Python 3 have made it possible to use objects in the same style of ADTs, in idiomatic Python with virtually no boilerplate. The key features:
The key idea: define each constructor as a dataclass, put the constructors together into an ADT using a Union type, and use isinstance tests to do pattern matching on the result. The result is just as good as an ADT (or better, perhaps; their structural nature bears more similarity to OCaml's polymorphic variants).
Here's how it works. Let's suppose that you want to define an algebraic data type with two results:
data Result = OK Int | Failure String showResult :: Result -> String showResult (OK result) = show result showResult (Failure msg) = "Failure: " ++ msg
First, we define each constructor as a dataclass:
from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass(frozen=True) class OK: result: int @dataclass(frozen=True) class Failure: msg: str
Using the automatically generated constructors from dataclasses, we can construct values of these dataclasses using OK(2) or Failure("something wrong"). Next, we define a type synonym for the union of these two classes:
Result = Union[OK, Failure]
Finally, we can do pattern matching on Result by doing isinstance tests:
def assert_never(x: NoReturn) -> NoReturn: raise AssertionError("Unhandled type: {}".format(type(x).__name__)) def showResult(r: Result) -> str: if isinstance(r, OK): return str(r.result) elif isinstance(r, Failure): return "Failure: " + r.msg else: assert_never(r)
assert_never is a well known trick for doing exhaustiveness checking in mypy. If we haven't covered all cases with enough isinstance checks, mypy will complain that assert_never was given a type like UnhandledCtor when it expected NoReturn (which is the uninhabited type in Python).
That's all there is to it. As an extra bonus, this style of writing unions is compatible with the structured pattern matching PEP, if it actually gets accepted. I've been using this pattern to good effect in our recent rewrite of PyTorch's code generator. If you have the opportunity to work in a statically typed Python codebase, give this style of code a try!
by Edward Z. Yang at October 14, 2020 06:08 PM
If this is your first time reading about PyTorch internals, you might want to check out my PyTorch internals post first. In this post, I want to talk about one particular part of PyTorch's internals: the dispatcher. At a first glance, the dispatcher is just a glorified if statement: based on some information about the tensor inputs, decide what piece of code should be called. So why should we care about the dispatcher?
Well, in PyTorch, a lot of things go into making an operator work. There is the kernel that does the actual work, of course; but then there is support for reverse mode automatic differentiation, e.g., the bits that make loss.backward() work. Oh, and if your code under torch.jit.trace, you can get a trace of all the operations that were run. Did I mention that if you run these operations on the inside of a vmap call, the batching behavior for the operators is different? There are so many different ways to interpret PyTorch operators differently, and if we tried to handle all of them inside a single function named add, our implementation code would quickly devolve into an unmaintainable mess. The dispatcher is not just an if statement: it is a really important abstraction for how we structure our code internally PyTorch... and it has to do so without degrading the performance of PyTorch (too much, anyway).
At the end of this post, our goal will be to understand all the different parts of this picture fit together. This post will proceed in three parts.
First, we'll talk about the dispatcher itself. What is the dispatcher, how does it decide what kernel to call? Second, we'll talk about the operator registration API, which is the interface by which we register kernels into the dispatcher. Finally, we'll talk about boxing and unboxing, which are a cross-cutting feature in the dispatcher that let you write code once, and then have it work on all kernels.
OK, so what is the dispatcher? For every operator, the dispatcher maintains a table of function pointers which provide implementations for each dispatch key, which corresponds roughly to one of the cross-cutting concerns in PyTorch. In the diagram above, you can see there are dispatch entries in this table for backends (CPU, CUDA, XLA) as well as higher-level concepts like autograd and tracing. The dispatcher's job is to compute a dispatch key, based on the input tensors and some other stuff (more on this shortly), and then do an indirect jump to the function pointed to by the table.
Those of you who are familiar with C++ may observe that this table of function pointers is very similar to virtual tables in C++. In C++, virtual methods on objects are implemented by associating every object with a pointer to a virtual table that contains implementations for each virtual method on the object in question. In PyTorch, we essentially reimplemented virtual tables, but with some differences:
Fun historical note: we used to use virtual methods to implement dynamic dispatch, and reimplemented them when we realized we needed more juice than virtual tables could give us.
So how exactly do we compute the dispatch key which we use to index into the dispatch table? The basic abstraction we use for computing what dispatch key to use is a dispatch key set, which is a bitset over dispatch keys. The general concept is that we union together dispatch key sets from various sources (and in some case mask out some dispatch keys), giving us a final dispatch key set. Then, we pick the first dispatch key in the set (dispatch keys are implicitly ordered by some priority) and that is where we should dispatch to. What are these sources?
There is also a local exclude set, which is used to exclude dispatch keys from dispatch. A common pattern is for some handler to handle a dispatch key, and then mask itself off via the local exclude set, so we don't try reprocessing this dispatch key later.
Let's walk through the evolution of dispatch key through some examples.
(Warning: This description is out-of-date for PyTorch master. Instead of Autograd being in global, it is instead on the Tensor. Everything else proceeds as before.)
The most canonical example of the dispatch machinery in operation is how it handles autograd. Read the diagram from the top to the bottom. At the very top, Autograd is in the global set, and the local exclude set is empty. When we do dispatch, we find autograd is the highest priority key (it's higher priority than CPU), and we dispatch to the autograd handler for the operator. Inside the autograd handler, we do some autograd stuff, but more importantly, we create the RAII guard AutoNonVariableTypeMode, which adds Autograd to the local exclude set, preventing autograd from being handled for all of the operations inside of this operator. When we redispatch, we now skip the autograd key (as it is excluded) and dispatch to the next dispatch key, CPU in this example. As local TLS is maintained for the rest of the call tree, all other subsequent dispatches also bypass autograd. Finally, in the end, we return from our function, and the RAII guard removes Autograd from the local exclude set so subsequent operator calls once again trigger autograd handlers.
Another similar example is tracing, which is similar to autograd where when we enter the tracing handler, we disable tracing for nested calls with ExcludeDispatchKeyGuard. However, it differs from autograd in how tracing is initially triggered: tracing is toggled by a dispatch key that is added to the local include set when you turn on tracing (with IncludeDispatchKeyGuard), as opposed to the global dispatch key from Autograd (Update: now a dispatch key on tensors).
One final example is the BackendSelect key, which operates a little differently from normal keys. The problem backend select solves is that sometimes, the default dispatch key set calculation algorithm doesn't know how to work out what the correct dispatch key should be. One notable case of this are factory functions, which don't have any Tensor arguments (and so, naively, would not dispatch to anything). BackendSelect is in the global dispatch key set, but is only registered for a few operators (for the rest, it is a fallthrough key). The BackendSelect handler inspects the arguments and decides what the final dispatch key should be, and then does a direct dispatch to that key, bypassing dispatch key calculation.
The slide summarizes some of the most common sequences of handlers that get processed when dispatching some operation in PyTorch. Most of the time, it's autograd, and then the backend (with a backend select in-between if you are a factory function). For XLA, there is also an XLAPreAutograd key (Update: This key is now simply AutogradXLA) which can be used to override the behavior of the Autograd key. And of course, if you turn on every feature in PyTorch all at once, you can end up stopping at a lot of handlers. Notice that the order in which these handlers are processed matters, since handlers aren't necessarily commutative.
So we talked a lot about how we decide what function pointers in the dispatch table to call, but how do these pointers get in the dispatch table in the first place? This is via the operator registration API. If you have never seen this API before, you should take a look at the Dispatcher in C++ tutorial, which describes how the API works at a very high level. In this section, we'll dive into more detail about how exactly the registration API maps to the dispatch table. Below, you can see the three main ways of interacting with the operator registration API: you define schemas for operators and then register implementations at dispatch keys; finally, there is a fallback method which you can use to define a handler for all operators at some dispatch key.
To visualize the impact of these registration operators, let us imagine that the dispatch tables for all operators collectively form a grid, like this:
On one axis, we have each operator supported in PyTorch. On the other axis, we have each dispatch key we support in our system. The act of operator registration involves filling in cells with implementations under these two axes.
When we register a kernel for a single operator at a specific dispatch key, we fill in a single cell (blue below):
When you register a kernel as a "catch-all" kernel for all dispatch keys in an operator, you fill in an entire row for the operator with one kernel (red below). By the way, if this seems like a strange thing to want to do, it is! And we're working to remove this capability in favor of more specific fills for a subset of keys.
When you register a kernel as a fallback for kernel for a single dispatch key, you fill in the column for that dispatch key (green).
There's a precedence to these registrations: exact kernel registrations have the highest precedence, and catch all kernels take precedence over fallback.
I want to spend the last part of this post talking about the boxing and unboxing facilities in our dispatcher, which turn out to be pretty important for enabling backend fallback. When you are a programming language designer, there is a classic tradeoff you have to make in deciding whether or not you want to use a boxed or unboxed representation for data:
A boxed or homogenous representation is a data representation where every type of object in your system has the same layout. Typically, this means you have some representation that has a header describing what the object in question is, and then some regular payload after it. Homogenous representations are easy to work with in code: because you can always assume that data has some regular layout, you can write functions that work polymorphically over any type of data (think of a function in Java that takes in an arbitrary Object, for example). Most garbage-collected languages have some boxed representation for heap objects, because the garbage collector needs to be able to work over any type of heap object.
In contrast, an unboxed or heterogenous representation allows objects to have a different layout depending on the data in question. This is more efficient than a homogenous representation, as each object can tailor its internal representation to exactly what is needed for the task at hand. However, the downside is we can no longer easily write a single function that works polymorphically over many types of objects. In C++, this problem is worked around using templates: if you need a function to work on multiple types, the C++ compiler will literally create a new copy of the function specialized to each type it is used with.
By default, C++ defaults heterogenous layout, but we have implemented homogenous layout in PyTorch by way of the IValue struct (short for interpreter value), which implements a boxed representation that we can use in our interpreter. An IValue is a two word structure consisting of a payload word (usually a pointer, but it could also be an integer or float directly packed into the field) and a tag word which tells us what kind of value the IValue is.
This means we have two calling conventions for functions in PyTorch: the usual, C++, unboxed convention, and a boxed convention using IValues on a stack. Calls (from end users) can come from unboxed API (direct C++ call) or boxed API (from the JIT interpreter); similarly, kernels can be implemented as direct C++ functions (unboxed convention), or can be implemented as a boxed fallback (which by necessity is boxed, as they are polymorphic over all operators).
If I call from boxed API to a boxed fallback, it's easy to see how to plug the two components together...
...but how do I get from the unboxed API to the boxed fallback?
We need some sort of adapter to take the unboxed inputs and turn them into IValues so that they can be passed via the boxed calling convention. This is done via a boxing adapter, which is automatically generated using C++ templates working off of the unboxed C++ types in the outward facing API.
There is also an inverse problem, which is what to do if we have inputs from an boxed API and need to call into an unboxed kernel. Similarly, we have an unboxing adapter, which performs this translation. Unlike the boxing adapter, this adapter is applied to the kernel itself, since C++ templates only work at sites where the unboxed type is statically available (at the boxed API site, these types are not known, so you literally cannot implement this.) Note that we always keep the unboxed API around, so that if a user calls in from the unboxed API, we can fastpath straight to the unboxed kernel.
So here is what boxing and unboxing looks overall:
Boxing and unboxing are a key feature in the implementation of boxed fallback: without them, we could not let people write single kernels which would work everywhere (and indeed, in the past, people would write code generators to generate repetitive kernels for every function). With template-based boxing and unboxing, you can write a single boxed kernel, and then have it work for operators, even if those operators are defined externally from the library.
So that's PyTorch's dispatcher in a nutshell! The dispatcher is still being continuously worked on; for example, Ailing Zhang recently landed a rework of how autograd dispatch keys are handled, which means that we actually no longer have a single Autograd key but have split autograd keys for AutogradCPU/AutogradCUDA/... We're generally interested in improving the user experience for people who register kernels to the dispatcher. Let us know if you have any questions or comments!
by Edward Z. Yang at September 10, 2020 06:29 PM
For the longest time, I thought of implicit parameters and dynamic scoping were basically the same thing, since they both can be used to solve similar problems (e.g., the so called "configuration problem" where you need to plumb down some configuration deep into a nested body of function definitions without defining them all explicitly). But implicit parameters have a reputation of being something you shouldn't use (use reflection instead), whereas dynamic scoping via the reader monad is a useful and well understood construct (except for the bit where you have to monadify everything). Why the difference?
Oleg points out that implicit parameters are not really dynamic scoping, and gives an example where Lisp and Haskell disagree. And you don't even want the Lisp behavior in Haskell: if you think about the operational notion of dynamic scoping (walk up the stack until you find a binding site of the dynamic variable), it's not very compatible with laziness, since a thunk (which accesses a dynamic variable) will be forced at some unpredictable point in program execution. You really don't want to have to reason about where exactly a thunk will be executed to know how its dynamic variables will be bound, that way lies madness. But somehow, in a strict language, no one has trouble figuring out what should happen with dynamic scoping (well, mostly--more on this shortly).
It turns out that the research community has figured out the difference is that implicit parameters are a coeffect. I believe this was first observed in Coeffects: Unified static analysis of context-dependence (a more modern presentation is in Coeffects: A calculus of context-dependent computation; and a more Haskelly presentation can be found in Embedding effect systems in Haskell). Although, Tomas was commenting on my blog in 2012 about similar ideas, so this probably had been in the works for a while. The key point is that for some coeffects (namely, implicit parameters), call-by-name reduction preserves types and coeffects, and so implicit parameters do not blow up in your face in the same way dynamic scoping (an effect) would. These necessarily behave differently! Type classes are coeffects too, and this is why modern use of implicit parameters in Haskell explicitly acknowledges this (e.g., in the reflection package).
At this year's ICFP, I was pointed at an interesting technical report about implicit values and functions in Koka, a new twist on the dynamic scoping. I found myself wondering if Haskell implicit parameters could learn a thing or two from this work. Implicit values make the good choice of defining implicit values globally at the top level, so that they can participate in normal module namespacing, as opposed to an un-namespaced bag of dynamically scoped names (this is also an improvement that reflection makes over implicit parameters). But actually, it seems to me that implicit functions are taking a page from implicit parameters!
The big innovation is the implicit function is that it resolves all dynamic references in the function (not just lexically, but for all further dynamic calls) to the lexical scope (the dynamic scope at the time the function was defined), producing a function that has no dependence on implicit values (aka, has no effect saying that the implicit value must be defined at the time the function is called.) This is exactly what an implicit parameter let ?x = ... binding would have done, in effect directly filling in the dictionary for the implicit function at definition site, rather than waiting. Very contextual! (Of course, Koka implements this using algebraic effects, and gets to the right semantics with a very simple translation anyway). The result is not exactly dynamic scoping, but as the TR says, it leads to better abstraction.
It is difficult to see how implicit values/functions could make their way back into Haskell, at least without some sequencing constructing (e.g., a monad) lurking around. Though implicit functions behave much like implicit parameters, the rest of the dynamic scoping (including the binding of the implicit function itself) is just good old effectful (not coeffectful) dynamic scope. And you can't just do that in Haskell, without breaking type preservation under beta-reduction and eta-expansion. Haskell has no choice but to go all the way, and once you get beyond the obvious problems of implicit parameters (which reflection fixes), things seem to mostly work out.
by Edward Z. Yang at August 27, 2020 05:51 AM
Summary: Read about my efforts to solve the game of Ultimate Tic Tac Toe. It’s been a fun journey into interesting algorithms and high-performance parallel programming in Rust. Backstory Starting around the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown, I’ve gotten myself deeply nerdsniped by an attempt to solve the game of Ultimate Tic Tac Toe, a two-level Tic Tac Toe variant which is (unlike Tic Tac Toe) nontrivial and contains some interesting strategic elements.
I've recently been working on a revamp of how we specify tensor shape formulas in PyTorch. As part of this process, I classified every single operator in PyTorch by its shaping behavior; yes, that's all 1364 of them (this includes each variant of an operator; e.g., inplace and out= keyword variants). During the process, I tried to come up with categories to help classify what operators did. One of the surprises from the process was discovering that shaping behaviors that I previously thought were uncommon, actually showed up a bit more often than one might have expected.
These categories are interesting in their own right and can be used to help understand how PyTorch's API fits together. Here are all the categories I devised.
TensorIterator (505, e.g., add, sum) operators are PyTorch's bread and butter; these operators do pointwise operations and reductions and support broadcasting and type promotion. The name TensorIterator refers to an internal abstraction we have in PyTorch for implementing these operations; you can read more about it on the wiki and in this blog post. TensorIterator is a real workhorse in PyTorch: the plurarity (though not majority) of operators are implemented in this way! Note that this category includes some functions that used equivalent, legacy functionality (but did not exactly use TensorIterator).
Fixed (273, e.g., convolution, addbmm) operators are operators which only work on a fixed number of dimensions. This assumption makes writing efficient kernels a lot easier, as indexing math is simple with fixed dimensionality. (For example, TensorAccessor is an internal class which lets you view a tensor at fixed dimensionality known at compile time). Sometimes, the first dimension is treated as a batch dimension, but not always (unfortunately, I didn't distinguish these cases in my dataset). Some fixed operators actually support multiple dimensions, but only a fixed number of them; for example, because we only support 1-3D convolutions, this counts as fixed. (Compare with this FeatureBatched, below!)
N-Dimensional (107, e.g., squeeze, index_add, tensordot) operators are operators which work generically on tensors of arbitrary dimensionality. These are the operations for which it is difficult to write generic shaping rules for in symbolic form, as you need a language that can talk about list manipulations. An important subclass of N-dimensional operators are Identity (42, e.g., clone, contiguous; not included in the count above) operators work over arbitrary dimensionality, but they always return a tensor with the same size as their input. Another subclass are Flatten (11, e.g. take, bucketize) operators which accept tensors of any dimensionality, but always treat them as 1D tensors internally.
Composite (95, e.g., kl_div, isfinite) operators are implemented in other operators, and don't themselves have shape checking (instead, they rely on the operations they call to check shapes). Note this category is probably a bit underreported, as in some cases when it was obvious what the underlying behavior of an operator was, I classified the operator as that category, rather than Composite.
Batched (94, e.g., nll_loss, adaptive_avg_pool2d) operators are like fixed dimensionality operators, except they accept an arbitrary number of batch dimensions at their beginning. Many fixed operators should be batched operators; others cannot be converted into batched operators without introducing ambiguity as to where the batch dimensions end. Compare these with FeatureBatched (19, e.g., batch_norm, embedding) operators, which are like batched operators, but rather than accept batch dimensions at the beginning, they accept an arbitrary number of feature dimensions at the end.
Factory (90, e.g., empty) operators produce new tensors without having any tensor inputs.
Trivial (59, e.g., size, is_floating_point) operators aren't actual tensor operations, but ways to return non-Tensor information or access internal data structures
Sparse (40) operators are special because their size calculations take account of both dense and sparse dimensions.
Dynamic (15, e.g., unique) operators produce outputs whose shapes depend on the data of their input tensors
Variadic (14, e.g., cat) operators take multiple input tensors; similar to n-dimensional operations they are difficult to capture symbolic
You can take a look at the full data set at
by Edward Z. Yang at May 06, 2020 03:56 PM
Alex Gaynor recently asked this question in an IRC channel I hang out in (a channel which contains several software engineers nearly as obsessed with software testing as I am): uhh, so I’m writing some code to handle an econnreset… how do I test this? This is a good question! Testing ECONNRESET is one of those fiddly problems that exists at the interface between systems — in his case, with S3, not even a system under his control — that can be infuriatingly tricky to reproduce and test.
Suppose we have some codebase we’re considering applying some patch to, and which has a robust and maintained test suite. Considering the patch, we may ask, is this patch acceptable to apply and deploy. By this we mean to ask if the patch breaks any important functionality, violates any key properties or invariants of the codebase, or would otherwise cause some unacceptable risk or harm. In principle, we can divide all patches into “acceptable” or “unacceptable” relative to some project-specific notion of what we’re willing to allow.
Last week, I wrote about the mindset that computer systems can be understood, and behaviors can be explained, if we’re willing to dig deep enough into the stack of abstractions our software is built atop. Some of the ensuing discussion on Twitter and elsewhere lead me to write this followup, in which I want to run through a few classes of systems where I’ve found pursuing in-detail understanding of the system wasn’t the right answer.
Introduction This post attempts to describe a mindset I’ve come to realize I bring to essentially all of my work with software. I attempt to articulate this mindset, some of its implications and strengths, and some of the ways in which it’s lead me astray. Software can be understood I approach software with a deep-seated belief that computers and software systems can be understood. This belief is, for me, not some abstruse theoretical assertion, but a deeply felt belief that essentially any question I might care to ask (about computers) has a comprehensible answer which is accessible with determined exploration and learning.
At this point in my career, I’ve worked on at least three projects where performance was a defining characteristic: Livegrep, Taktician, and Sorbet (I discussed sorbet in particular last time, and livegrep in an earlier post). I’ve also done a lot of other performance work on the tools I use, some of which ended up on my other blog, Accidentally Quadratic. In this post, I want to reflect on some of the lessons I’ve learned while writing performant software, and working with rather a lot more not-so-performant software.
vmap is an interface popularized by JAX which offers you a vectorizing map. Semantically, a vmap is exactly equivalent to a map in Haskell; the key difference is that operations run under a vmap are vectorized. If you map a convolution and a matrix multiply, you will have one big loop which repeatedly calls convolution and matrix multiply for each entry in your batch. If you vmap a convolution and matrix multiply, you'll call the batched versions of convolution and matrix multiply once. Unless you have a fuser, on most modern deep learning frameworks, calling the batched implementations of these operations will be much faster.
JAX implements vmap in a somewhat complicated fashion; they have a "batched interpreter" which translates operations on primitives into their batched versions, and have to track metadata about what tensors are batched and in what way so that they can insert appropriate broadcasts and unsqueezes. I mentioned this to Simon Peyton Jones, and he immediately asked, couldn't Haskell's typechecker work this out automatically? The answer is, yes! All of the book-keeping JAX has to do is effectively doing runtime type inference; if you have a compiler that can do it for you at compile time, there is nearly nothing to implement.
To give away the punchline, we are going to implement a family of functions vmap that will run these two examples:
example1 :: [Float] -> [Float] -> [Float] example1 a0 b0 = vmap0_2 (\a b -> add a b) a0 b0 example2 :: [Float] -> [Float] -> [[Float]] example2 a0 b0 = vmap0 (\a -> vmap1 (\b -> add a b) b0) a0
When run in an interpreter, we will see:
*Test> example1 [1,2,3] [4,6,8] [5.0,8.0,11.0] *Test> example2 [1,2,3] [4,6,8] [[5.0,7.0,9.0],[6.0,8.0,10.0],[7.0,9.0,11.0]]
These results are equivalent to what you would have gotten using a plain old map; however, there will be no loop in the implementation of vmap. (The fact that we can't write a single vmap that works universally is due to a limitation in Haskell; we'll discuss this more later.)
We're going to need a few language extensions, so let's get this out of the way first:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses, KindSignatures, TypeApplications, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances #-}
Our plan of attack is that we want to write the definitions of vmap so that we infer a type for add which makes the necessary broadcasting clear. A trivial implementation of vmap would have the signature ([a] -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b] (aka the identity function), but the standard list type doesn't let us distinguish between dimensions we should broadcast together, and dimensions we shouldn't (this is the reason example1 and example2 give different results: in example2, we broadcast along each dimension separately, so that we end up with a cartesian product in the end; in example1, we broadcast the dimensions together and get the zippy behavior). Each distinct invocation of vmap should give us a new dimension, which ought not to be mixed up with other invocations of vmap. When you hear this in Haskell, your first instinct should be, "I know, let's use a rank 2 type!" vmap moves us from the non-type-branded world of vanilla lists [Float] to a type-branded world of size-indexed vectors Vec s Float, where the s variables are all skolem variables bound by our rank 2 type:
data Vec s a = Vec { unVec :: [a] } instance Functor (Vec s) where fmap f (Vec xs) = Vec (map f xs) vmap0 :: (forall s. Vec s a -> Vec s b) -> [a] -> [b] vmap0 f = unVec . f . Vec
The implementation of vmap0 doesn't do anything: we just wrap the lists into their type-branded equivalent vectors. We can also provide a 2-ary version of vmap0, which takes two lists and assigns them the same type branding all at once:
vmap0_2 :: (forall s. Vec s a -> Vec s b -> Vec s c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] vmap0_2 f a b = unVec (f (Vec a) (Vec b))
(In principle, some sort of applicative-y thing should make it possible to write just a vap (analogous to ap) and then get all of the n-ary versions for free, but in my brief investigation I didn't see a good way of doing this.)
When we nest vmap, it may be the case that the function doesn't directly return a Vec s b, but a functor containing Vec s b. vmap1 handles this case (we'll discuss this more shortly):
vmap1 :: Functor f => (forall s. Vec s a -> f (Vec s b)) -> [a] -> f [b] vmap1 f = fmap unVec . f . Vec
With our implementations of vmap in hand, we can take a look at our examples and ask Haskell what the type of add ought to be, if we didn't have an implementation of it:
example1 :: [Float] -> [Float] -> [Float] example1 a0 b0 = vmap0_2 (\a b -> _add a b) a0 b0
• Found hole: _add :: Vec s Float -> Vec s Float -> Vec s Float Where: ‘s’ is a rigid type variable bound by a type expected by the context: forall s. Vec s Float -> Vec s Float -> Vec s Float
example2 :: [Float] -> [Float] -> [[Float]] example2 a0 b0 = vmap0 (\a -> vmap1 (\b -> _add a b) b0) a0
• Found hole: _add :: Vec s Float -> Vec s1 Float -> Vec s (Vec s1 Float) Where: ‘s1’ is a rigid type variable bound by a type expected by the context: forall s1. Vec s1 Float -> Vec s (Vec s1 Float) at test.hs:41:20-44 ‘s’ is a rigid type variable bound by a type expected by the context: forall s. Vec s Float -> Vec s [Float] at test.hs:41:7-48
Notice that the inferred types of _add are different in these two cases: in the first example, we infer that we have two tensors batched in the same way, and we want to "zip" them together. In the second example, we see that each tensor has a distinct batch dimension, and we end up with a 2-D result!
At this point, the job of vmap is done: our holes have types which we can use to determine what the necessary behavior is. You could use these types to select an appropriate kernel to perform vectorized addition. But I promised runnable code, so let's implement a simple version of add using old fashioned map.
The good old fashioned way to do type level computation in Haskell is with a type class, of course! Let's define a multi-parameter type class for the function add; unlike the definition of (+) in Num, we'll let the inputs and output all have different types:
class Add a b c | a b -> c where add :: a -> b -> c
We can easily implement addition on plain floating point:
instance Add Float Float Float where add = (+)
If I pass add two arguments whose outer-most vector agree in their type brand (aka, they came from the same vmap), I should zip them together, as I did in example1. I can write another instance to express this logic:
instance Add a b r => Add (Vec s a) (Vec s b) (Vec s r) where add (Vec a) (Vec b) = Vec (zipWith add a b)
Otherwise, I should broadcast one of the dimensions and then do an addition on the inside. This choice can't easily be made locally, so I have to define these two incoherent instances:
instance Add a b r => Add (Vec s a) b (Vec s r) where add (Vec a) b = Vec (map (\x -> add x b) a) instance Add a b r => Add a (Vec s b) (Vec s r) where add a (Vec b) = Vec (map (\x -> add a x) b)
(GHC's type class resolution engine doesn't backtrack, so I'm not actually sure how it manages to pick the correct instance to use, but in my testing, I got the right instance no matter what order I specified the arguments to add.)
That's it! Running the two examples:
example1 :: [Float] -> [Float] -> [Float] example1 a0 b0 = vmap0_2 (\a b -> add a b) a0 b0 example2 :: [Float] -> [Float] -> [[Float]] example2 a0 b0 = vmap0 (\a -> vmap1 (\b -> add a b) b0) a0
I get:
*Test> example1 [1,2,3] [4,6,8] [5.0,8.0,11.0] *Test> example2 [1,2,3] [4,6,8] [[5.0,7.0,9.0],[6.0,8.0,10.0],[7.0,9.0,11.0]]
So there you have it! vmap in less than a dozen lines of Haskell. One unsatisfactory thing about this implementation is the necessity to define vmap0, vmap1, etc. Can't we just define a generic vmapG :: (forall s. Vec s a -> f (Vec s b)) -> [a] -> f [b] and have f unify with, well, the identity type lambda /\a. a when we need it to have the type of vmap0? Regretfully, type inference with type lambdas is undecidable (the so-called higher-order unification problem), so it seem we have to help GHC out here, even though in our particular case the unification we can do here is very restricted.
by Edward Z. Yang at January 29, 2020 07:14 PM
This is the second in an indefinite series of posts about things that I think went well in the Sorbet project. The previous one covered our testing approach. Sorbet is fast. Numerous of our early users commented specifically on how fast it was, and how much they appreciated this speed. Our informal benchmarks on Stripe’s codebase clocked it as typechecking around 100,000 lines of code per second per core, making it one of the fastest production typecheckers we are aware of.
Testing and feedback loops This post tries to set out one mental model I have for thinking about testing and the purpose testing serves in software engineering, and to explore some of the suggestions of this model. As mentioned in an earlier post, I think a lot about working in long-lived software projects that are undergoing a lot of development and change. The goal when working on these projects is not just to produce a useful artifact at one time, but to maintain and evolve the project over time, optimizing for some combination of the present usefulness of the software, and our ability to continue to evolve and improve it into the future.
In 2017 and 2018, I (along with Paul Tarjan and Dmitry Petrashko) was a founding member of the Sorbet project at Stripe to build a gradual static typechecking system for Ruby, with the aim of enhancing productivity on Stripe’s millions of lines of Ruby, and eventually producing a useful open-source tool. I’m very proud of the work we did (and that others continue to do!) on Sorbet; I think we were very successful, and it was one of the best teams I’ve worked on in a number of ways.
While talking about thinking about tests and testing in software engineering recently, I’ve come to the conclusion that there are (at least) two major ideas and goals that people have when they test or talk about testing. This post aims to outline what I see as these two schools, and explore some reasons engineers coming from these different perspectives can risk talking past each other. Two reasons to test Testing for correctness The first school of testing comprises those who see testing as a tool for validating a software artifact against some externally-defined standard of correctness.
With the ongoing move towards “infrastructure-as-code” and similar notions, there’s been an ongoing increase in the number and popularity of declarative configuration management tools. This post attempts to lay out my mental model of the conceptual architecture and internal layering of such tools, and some wishes I have for how they might work differently, based on this model. Background: declarative configuration management Declarative configuration management refers to the class of tools that allow operators to declare a desired state of some system (be it a physical machine, an EC2 VPC, an entire Google Cloud account, or anything else), and then allow the system to automatically compare that desired state to the present state, and then automatically update the managed system to match the declared state.
Writing a Go/C polyglot Someone on a Slack I’m on recently raised the question of how you might write a source file that’s both valid C and Go, commenting that it wasn’t immediately obvious if this was even possible. I got nerdsniped, and succeeded in producing one, which you can find here. I’ve been asked how I found that construction, so I thought it might be interesting to document the thought / discovery / exploration process that got me there.
This is a list of reasons why I think Python is a terrible programming language. Naturally, none of them apply to other programming languages.
It's impossible to determine at compile time whether a Python program can terminate.
While strings in Python 3 are significantly better than strings in Python 2, they consist of a series of "code points" instead of characters, so there's no way to reference the third character of a Python string. For ASCII strings, this works fine in C, so I prefer writing in C. Python claims to support Unicode but can't even get this right.
If I compile a Python module on Linux, it doesn't work on a Mac. This is a shocking oversight for a so-called "cross-platform" language.
function does not let you create a hard link to a directory.
The standard library sorting function takes at least O(n log n) time. I understand dynamic languages are slow, but why is it this slow?
The cryptography
module claims to implement public-key cryptography, but mathematicians have so far been unable to prove that one-way functions, a prerequisite of public-key cryptography, even exist. It's surprising that the Python ecosystem is of such low quality and holds to dubious scientific standards.
When you compile NumPy or SciPy from source, you need to build FORTRAN code, and FORTRAN sucks which is clearly Python's fault.
If you're running two Python programs from different users on the same machine, a speculative load in one program might be able to learn information from the other program based on cache timing side channels.
Python is unable to reverse entropy.
by Geoffrey Thomas at December 18, 2018 12:00 AM
The git bisect
command helps you identify the first commit in a range that broke something. You give it a good commit and a bad one, and it will do a binary search between the two to find the first bad commit. At each step, you say either git bisect good
or git bisect bad
depending on whether it passes your test, and it will move you halfway through the remaining commits in the range.
There are several guides for using git bisect with the Linux kernel (e.g., upstream, Gentoo, and Ubuntu all have one). Unfortunately, they're pretty time-intensive operations; they all say something to the effect of, "now build the kernel, reboot into it, and test it, then type git bisect good
or git bisect bad
depending on whether it worked." For a tricky hardware compatibility bug, this might be your only option. But if you're testing something about the kernel's behavior, this is unnecessarily slow and manual, and you might be tempted to do something else, like read commit logs.
At work a few days ago, someone reported that a certain application no longer worked in a new VM. After some initial debugging with strace
, we determined that the program was calling the listen system call with a backlog of 0: that is, it was saying it was willing to accept up to zero connections. By the specification, it shouldn't work—and yet it did work on their older VM. A few things were different between the new systems, but one notable one was that the new VM had kernel 4.9 and the old one kernel 4.1. (Another was that it was deployed in a new cloud environment that my team is responsible for, with some networking changes, so we wanted to ensure we had not broken anything!)
I tried reading through git log --grep listen v4.1..v4.9 net/
, but there was entirely too much and I couldn't find anything. So I decided to see if bisection could help me, with the use of git bisect run
, which enables fully automated bisecting. I wasn't excited about rebooting my machine to do a binary search across eight kernel releases, but if I could get it to run in some other way, I could just leave it running.
For a normal program, it's pretty easy to use git bisect run
, which just wants a command that returns success (0) or failure (1): you can usually do something like git bisect run make test
. For a kernel regression, though, we'll need a command to boot the kernel and run some code. We can use the qemu virtual machine software for this, which has two properties that make it particularly suitable as such a command: it can boot a Linux kernel directly, instead of emulating a bootloader on a hard disk, and it can run a temporary VM in a single command line without any additional setup.
We'll build ourselves a tiny "initrd" (initial RAM disk), which is what's commonly used to load enough drivers to access your hard drive and completely boot your system. However, our initrd will just contain our one test program, which will possibly print a success message, and shut down the system. We can't meaningfully get a return value out of qemu, so we'll just grep its output for the success message.
The first step is to check out the kernel sources, if we don't have them already, and build a kernel:
$ git clone linux
$ cd linux
$ make defconfig
$ make -j8
which prints this after a while:
Kernel: arch/x86/boot/bzImage is ready (#21)
Then make sure we can boot our new kernel with qemu, without an initrd:
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -nographic -append console=ttyS0 -kernel arch/x86/boot/bzImage
That is, run it in text mode with the VM's serial console on standard input/output instead of trying to pop up a graphical window, and tell the kernel to use the serial port for console output. If your system supports it, you can add -enable-kvm
to make it a faster, although since we want to shut down the VM immediately once we run our test, it doesn't make a huge difference (2 seconds vs. 4 on my machine).
This will panic, because we gave the kernel neither a root filesystem nor a working initrd. (You can kill the VM by typing Ctrl-A and then X.) So let's write an initrd with a single binary, init
. It needs to shut down the system, so we get back to our prompt:
$ mkdir initrd
$ cd initrd
$ cat > init.c << EOF
#include <sys/reboot.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(void) {
printf("Hello world!\n");
(Yes, the system call for shutting down the system is named "reboot", because the name "shutdown" was already used for the system call to close a socket. I guess early UNIX computers didn't support initiating a hardware poweroff from software, so the shutdown
command would just stop all processes, sync and unmount disks, and print a message asking the operator to cut power.)
Compile this program statically, so it's a single binary, put it in the particular form required for an initrd (a compressed cpio archive, an old but very simple format with a weird command-line tool) and make sure it's named init
, and then we can boot it up with qemu:
$ cd initrd
$ cc -static -o init init.c
$ echo init | cpio -H newc -o | gzip > initrd.gz
1621 blocks
$ cd ..
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -nographic -append console=ttyS0 -kernel arch/x86/boot/bzImage -initrd initrd/initrd.gz
[ 0.502593] ALSA device list:
[ 0.502889] No soundcards found.
[ 0.503554] Freeing unused kernel memory: 1088K (ffffffff81f2f000 - ffffffff8203f000)
[ 0.504262] Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 14336k
[ 0.505004] Freeing unused kernel memory: 1680K (ffff88000185c000 - ffff880001a00000)
[ 0.505855] Freeing unused kernel memory: 1340K (ffff880001cb1000 - ffff880001e00000)
Hello world!
[ 1.089618] input: ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input3
[ 1.092997] ACPI: Preparing to enter system sleep state S5
[ 1.094083] reboot: Power down
Great. We've built our own kernel, passed it a test binary to run, and got it booted in a qemu command that exits. This is turning into something we can pass to git bisect run
. Now it's time to write the actual test. Here's what I ultimately ended up with to track down my bug:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/reboot.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(void) {
/* The problem I was tracing was only reproducible with syncookies
disabled. While the initrd gets unpacked into a writable temporary
filesystem, nothing exists yet, so if I need /proc, I need to create
and mount it myself. */
if (getpid() == 1) {
mount("proc", "/proc", "proc", 0, NULL);
char buf[] = "0\n";
int fd = open("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies", O_WRONLY);
write(fd, buf, 2);
int server = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
/* Also, while a loopback ethernet device exist, it's not
enabled, so network tests won't work. This code is equivalent
to `ifconfig lo up`. */
struct ifreq ifreq = {
.ifr_name = "lo",
ioctl(server, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifreq);
if (!(ifreq.ifr_flags & IFF_UP)) {
ifreq.ifr_flags |= IFF_UP;
ioctl(server, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifreq);
struct sockaddr_in addr = {
.sin_family = AF_INET,
.sin_port = htons(54321),
.sin_addr = {htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK)},
bind(server, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr));
listen(server, 0);
int client = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
struct timeval timeout = {3, 0};
setsockopt(client, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout));
if (connect(client, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) == 0) {
} else {
if (getpid() == 1) {
return 0;
Most of it is specific to the thing I was trying to test, but you may also need the code to create and mount /proc
or to enable lo
. Also, I put a few things conditional on getpid() == 1
so that I could safely test the program on my host system, where it wasn't running as root and where I didn't want it powering anything off. (I ran it a few times under strace
to make sure it was doing what I expected it to do, and I didn't want to bother with getting strace
inside my initrd.)
So I first made sure this is reproducible on a stock kernel by itself, isolated from any config my workplace might add:
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -nographic -append console=ttyS0 -kernel arch/x86/boot/bzImage -initrd initrd/initrd.gz | grep ^Success
$ git checkout v4.1
$ make defconfig && make -j8
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -nographic -append console=ttyS0 -kernel arch/x86/boot/bzImage -initrd initrd/initrd.gz | grep ^Success
Cool, it's definitely a regression somewhere between those versions. (The set of config options change from kernel version to kernel version, so across this wide of a range, the easiest thing is to just get the current kernel's default config - if you need custom config options, you might want to edit .config after running make defconfig
or something.) Now time to let git bisect run
do its thing:
$ git bisect start
$ git bisect bad v4.9
$ git bisect good v4.1
$ git bisect run sh -c 'make defconfig && make -j8 && qemu-system-x86_64 -nographic -append console=ttyS0 -kernel arch/x86/boot/bzImage -initrd initrd/initrd.gz | grep ^Success'
It started printing a bunch of build logs and I went to work on something else. About half an hour later (I expected it to take longer!), it prints this out:
ef547f2ac16bd9d77a780a0e7c70857e69e8f23f is the first bad commit
commit ef547f2ac16bd9d77a780a0e7c70857e69e8f23f
Author: Eric Dumazet <>
Date: Fri Oct 2 11:43:37 2015 -0700
tcp: remove max_qlen_log
This control variable was set at first listen(fd, backlog)
call, but not updated if application tried to increase or decrease
backlog. It made sense at the time listener had a non resizeable
hash table.
Also rounding to powers of two was not very friendly.
Signed-off-by: Eric Dumazet <>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
$ git describe --contains ef547f2ac16bd9d77a780a0e7c70857e69e8f23f
which looks awfully relevant—it implies they were previously rounding off the backlog. Looking at commit, we can see what happened: before kernel 4.4, the backlog argument was always capped to at least 8, and also rounded up to the next power of two. So listen(fd, 0)
was turning into listen(fd, 8)
on older kernels, and the program previously worked despite using listen()
incorrectly. This commit was actually somewhere in the git log
I was trying to read, but I must have scrolled past it.
git reflog
shows that git bisect
went through sixteen commits before settling on this one: it found this one on its 11th try, and then spent 5 more commits confirming that all the commits before this one were good. So I'm glad git bisect run
found this commit, and I'm especially glad it found it in half an hour unattended, without me having to manually compile and test sixteen kernels by hand.
by Geoffrey Thomas at March 02, 2018 12:00 AM
When I first arrived at MIT in 2010, I was awed by how much computing infrastructure was readily available. Dorm rooms had 100 megabit internet connections, the at-the-time latest 802.11n Wi-Fi blanketed campus, and setting up a website took a few clicks.
![]() |
MIT sold off parts of 18/8 in April 2017. Map of the Internet from xkcd, CC BY-NC 2.5 |
![]() |
Amazon now owns 18.145/16. |
The Library has the entire Net 18 address space registered at many hundreds of publishers of licensed e-resources. With no prior notice, we have been forced into non-compliance with our licenses with every such provider.Although the ranges sold initially were unused, IS&T announced that the entire upper half of MITnet would be sold, and that buildings would need to be renumbered. Renumbering is always difficult and time-consuming, but a task that can be accomplished, given sufficient notice.
![]() |
Slide from an IS&T presentation at the IT Partners conference, announcing the campus-wide NAT |
by Alex Chernyakhovsky ( at June 25, 2017 03:02 PM
I've always heard stories about nasty Android malware that throws full-screen advertisements at inopportune times, but I'd never seen it myself until a family member handed me their Galaxy Note 5. The malware certainly exits, it triggers in any application and shows a full-screen advertisement, probably in a WebView. The recent applications list shows no identifying marks, and trying to switch to it just returns to the home screen. Figuring this one out is going to require adb.
by Alex Chernyakhovsky ( at December 22, 2015 01:16 AM
If you're setting up a service where people can register their own usernames to be used as a hostname (
), email address (
), or URL path (
) within your domain, there are some common names you should avoid letting the general public register.
Many Internet protocols make the assumption that a domain is manually managed by its owners, and in particular assume that a name like admin
must have been registered or approved by the actual owners. Automatic registration breaks this assumption, and has been the source of some attacks. Microsoft Live has fallen victim to this multiple times: in 2008, a researcher signed up for
and used it to get a certificate, and as late as this March, the same problem happened to, the Finnish version of the service, when an IT professional tried registering the email account
as his personal Live account, and then found he could receive a certificate for that domain.
This is a list of all the names I know that should be restricted from registration in automated systems. If you know of others, please let me know and I'll update this page.
tl;dr: Regardless of how you're currently using usernames, restrict them to lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens, starting with a letter and not ending with a hyphen (that is, /^[a-z]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?$/
as an extended regex). Ban all the names in this file (last updated 2015-11-21). Get yourself listed as a public suffix: see below for directions and implications.
Most of these problems involve a computer on the domain doing an unqualified lookup: when a computer named
looks for b
, it will usually find
. If you're running a simple hosting service, or similar, you may not need to block all of these, but these names are extremely unlikely to be used by legitimate users anyway. So you may as well block all of them to allow expanding in the future.
, localdomain
, and broadcasthost
: these are usually present in /etc/hosts
, and applications or scripts might hard-code an assumption about them having their usual value (especially for localhost
: Browsers will often prepend this if the domain itself does not resolve as a hostname.wpad
: Web Proxy Auto-Discovery in several browsers; someone who owns this (unqualified) name can act as a proxy for all web traffic.isatap
: IPv6 tunnel autodiscovery, primarily on Windows. Similarly to WPAD, someone who owns this (unqualified) name can act as a proxy for all IPv6-capable traffic. Windows Server has a built-in blacklist of domain names that defaults to WPAD
: Thunderbird's spec for autoconfiguration. Thunderbird will query the website at
for settings when attempting to set up
email. Good way to harvest passwords.imap
, pop
, pop3
, smtp
, mail
, for email clients that make guesses about what your email servers are. (This includes Thunderbird but also many others.)Note that valid hostnames are restricted in syntax: they must only contain letters, digits, or hyphens, and cannot start or end with a hyphen. DNS is case-insensitive, so make sure there are no case collisions. An older standard prevents hostnames from starting with a digit, which is a straightforward way to prevent all-numeric usernames (which can cause problems with tools that accept either names or UIDs). Dots separate portions of a domain name and cause various problems (wildcard certificates only apply to one level,
can read and write cookies for
, etc.), so they're usually more trouble than they're worth. DNS records are much more liberal, but names that don't follow these rules will generally not resolve as hostnames: you can look them up with dig
/etc., but you can't use them in applications. Checking hostname syntax also prevents you from worrying about names like _tcp
or _udp
, which are used in SRV records.
Most parts of the web platform consider two pages with different origins, that is, scheme (http
/ https
), hostname, and port number, to be unrelated websites that cannot interact with each other by default. However, there are a few exceptions, most notably cookies. Web pages at
are allowed to set cookies with a scope of
, despite not sharing the same hostname / origin. The simple rule of allowing parent domains created the problem of supercookies:
could set a cookie scoped to .com
, which would then be sent to all sites ending in .com
. There are two big problems with this: the first is privacy (being tracked across websites), and the second is session-fixation attacks, where an attacker can overwrite your session cookie with their own, and have your actions (including logging in or sending private data) happen within the attacker's session.
The immediate fix was to ban top-level domains, but this still allowed setting cookies for publicly-registrable suffixes like
that weren't at the top level. So browser vendors created the public suffix list to track which suffixes are open for public registration. The public suffix list now includes not only "ICANN" entries, such as .com
, but also "private" entries, such as
, since the same problems exist with allowing users to set cookies for all Heroku or GitHub Pages users.
So, if you are letting users register hostnames in your domain, you should get it listed as a public suffix, which requires just sending a pull request or an email. It takes some time for the update to reach browsers (the list is compiled into browsers, so it's only updated by a browser version update), so you should try to do this as far in advance as possible before launching.
Note that by making
a public suffix, nobody, not even code on
itself, can set a cookie for
. If you have a website of your own that needs cookies (analytics, registration, etc.), you'll need to run it at e.g.
, and make
just a redirect. Alternatively, you can use a completely separate domain for your own site vs. your users' sites, as with the Heroku and GitHub examples: their own websites are
The CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements, section item 4, requires that if a CA is going to validate a domain by coming up with an administrative email address on its own, it may only use admin
, administrator
, webmaster
, hostmaster
, or postmaster
. Reserve all of those names, regardless of whether they go somewhere useful.
All CAs are supposed to be compliant with that these days, but for safety's sake, also reserve root
, info
, ssladmin
, ssladministrator
, sslwebmaster
, sysadmin
, is
, it
, and mis
(see this 2009 comment on Mozilla's bug tracker).
RFC 2142 defines the names info
, marketing
, sales
, support
, abuse
, noc
, security
, postmaster
, hostmaster
, usenet
, news
, webmaster
, www
, uucp
, and ftp
. You won't need most of these to actually reach a useful mailbox, though you should reserve all of them.
You may want to reserve mailer-daemon
, nobody
(a default UNIX user account), noreply
, no-reply
, etc. for automated processes that send email.
Again, as these names are unlikely to be used by legitimate users, it's usually worth blocking them now and keeping your options open, even if you're not currently offering email service. You may add an email service in the future (Amazon launched Send to Kindle by email over a decade after introducing user accounts). As always, you can manually register these names to trusted or internal users.
For many websites with user-provided content, like Twitter, Facebook, or GitHub, user-chosen usernames become part of the URL at top level (
). If you're building a website like this, the easiest approach is to restrict these usernames as if they were hostnames. This has two advantages: the first is that it's easy to launch a hostname-based system later (e.g. GitHub Pages now supports
) if you know that all your usernames are valid hostnames.
The second is that there are several URL paths you need to reserve at top level, and all of them happen to contain dots and are therefore invalid hostnames. If you do permit dots, you need to block the following names:
, for the Robots Exclusion Protocol, used to tell well-behaved crawlers how to well-behave.favicon.ico
, for the shortcut icon displayed in the tab bar and other places.crossdomain.xml
, which allows the Flash plugin to make cross-origin requests. Java and Silverlight also look for and trust crossdomain.xml
, a Silverlight-specific version of crossdomain.xml
, specified in RFC 5785 as a place for these sorts of things so they don't keep cluttering the root level. Thunderbird autoconfiguration looks in here, as do ACME, the automatic certificate enrollment spec from Let's Encrypt; BrowserID / Mozilla Persona; and RFC 7711, a new standard for providing certificates for third-party non-HTTP services. So there are a number of security issues with an unauthorized user being able to create files under /.well-known/
.(These are URLs, not filenames. You should of course also disallow users from creating files named e.g. .htaccess
if your web server respects those.)
All of these are invalid hostnames, so simply requiring usernames to be valid hostnames avoids having to check for these specific cases. If you're only allowing users to choose some portion of the URL, and inserting other text (e.g.,
), then you don't have to worry about this, but again it may still be useful to keep your options open for other URL, hostname, or email schemes in the future.
Do not allow users to publish custom HTML, especially not custom scripts, at these sorts of URLs.
, and
all share the same origin, so by the same-origin policy, these web pages can freely interact with each other and mess with each other's content. A few JavaScript interfaces, including service workers, make it very easy to attack another site on the same origin. If you want users to be able to publish custom HTML and JS, use separate hostnames within a public suffix.
are separate origins, and if you have made
a public suffix as mentioned earlier, you can safely let them publish custom scripts, since the sites are no more able to interact with each other than two separate .com
websites could.
This post was inspired by a GitHub issue for Sandstorm's dynamic DNS service; thanks to Asheesh Laroia for pointing me at that thread and reviewing a draft of this article.
by Geoffrey Thomas at November 26, 2015 12:00 AM
I ran across something strange while learning about Rust's stack overflow and segmentation fault handling.
First, some backstory: in the past, Rust (and Go) used segmented stacks, also known as split stacks. This is a scheme that allows you to start each thread with a small amount of stack space, and dynamically allocate a new, discontiguous chunk of stack space when you run out. Each function starts with a call to __morestack
to see if it has enough stack space for that function's variables. If not, __morestack
is supposed to allocate more space, quietly switch out the stack pointer, and call the function. When the function returns, __morestack
frees the additional space and restores the original stack pointer. For a system like pre-1.0 Rust's tasks or Go's goroutines, allocating lots of tiny, growable stacks makes sense.
However, Rust's __morestack
function currently only serves to trigger stack-overflow handling: the only thing that it does, besides aligning the stack properly, is call the rust_stack_exhausted
function, which prints an error message and exits. Rust gives each thread plenty of stack space, so if it overflows, it probably means there's unbounded recursion and the thread should be terminated.
I thought this was a little odd. When you overflow the stack in C, or in any other language without __morestack
, the next instruction tries to access unallocated memory. This causes a standard segmentation fault, which terminates the program. What's the need for Rust to catch this and terminate the program on its own?
Part of the answer is to provide a better error message. A straightforward stack overflow is not a memory safety violation in the same way an access to out-of-bounds memory is, so a segmentation fault is the wrong way to report a stack overflow. But the real answer turns out to be subtler than that. While accessing an invalid page of memory cannot cause data corruption, it's not guaranteed that the page is in fact invalid! With enough luck, you can overflow the stack far enough and reach into a completely unrelated memory region.
It turns out that this is possible in well-defined C, in a worrisomely straightforward way. The following program generates no warnings:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void clobber(uintptr_t target_address) {
int dummy;
uintptr_t dummy_address = (uintptr_t)&dummy;
char array[dummy_address - target_address];
array[50] = 'x';
(void)array; // suppress warning about unused variable
int main(void)
int i;
int *x = malloc(20 * sizeof(int));
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
x[i] = 3;
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
printf("%d ", x[i]);
return 0;
and produces this output on my computer (an x86-64 machine running Debian GNU/Linux 8):
geofft@titan:/tmp$ gcc -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic --std=c99 -o lol-stacks lol-stacks.c
geofft@titan:/tmp$ ./lol-stacks
3 3 3 3 7864323 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
What's going on? We create a variable on the stack called dummy
, to figure out where our stack is. Then we figure out how far we are from the target address and create a giant array of exactly that size. Now the end of the stack lines up, more or less, with the target address. The process of "creating an array" doesn't involve any actual changes to memory, just changes to the interpretation of memory (and usually updating the stack pointer register), so while there's a wide swath of invalid memory between &dummy
and target
, none of it is accessed. Therefore, because the only access is to a valid memory location, there's no segmentation fault generated, and the change to memory goes through. When the program writes to array
, it finds valid, writable memory at that location—namely, one of the elements in the target array x
. (Remember that on x86 machines, the stack grows downwards, towards lower-valued addresses, so array[0]
is the end of the stack. On other architectures, if the stack grows upwards, we'd need to write to the other end of array
As you might expect with memory corruption, this is exploitable. In 2010, Rafal Wojtczuk, a researcher at Invisible Things Lab, discovered that this sort of confusion could be used in a privilege-escalation exploit against the X server (PDF). A client can cause the X server to exhaust most of its memory, request a shared-memory region that gets mapped right past the stack, and then trigger a recursive function in the X server. As the associated blog post puts it, it "exploits a bug in... well, actually it doesn't exploit any concrete bug, which makes it so much more interesting."
How can we defend against this? The X server vulnerability (CVE-2010-2240) relied on the stack running right up against mapped pages, so the straightforward solution was to ensure that an unmapped guard page is always just past the end of the stack. But this doesn't help for more complicated cases that span more than a single page—like my example above, or even a less-contrived function with a 5000-byte string buffer.
It turns out that GCC has an option, -fstack-check
, that inserts code to check for this problem. If I recompile my program with -fstack-check
, I get a segmentation fault. It appears that gcc has inserted code to step the stack down one page at a time, running a logical-OR with zero at each point, which doesn't affect any value on the stack but forces a memory access. Here's the disassembly of that section of code, from GDB:
0x0000000000400621 <+139>: mov %rsp,%rcx
0x0000000000400624 <+142>: sub %rdx,%rcx
0x0000000000400627 <+145>: cmp %rcx,%rsp
0x000000000040062a <+148>: je 0x40063a <clobber+164>
0x000000000040062c <+150>: sub $0x1000,%rsp
=> 0x0000000000400633 <+157>: orq $0x0,(%rsp)
0x0000000000400638 <+162>: jmp 0x400627 <clobber+145>
The size of my variable-length array has already been computed in %rdx
. GCC has inserted code to step through the stack one page ($0x1000
bytes) at a time, in a loop. At each step, it ORs the value at the stack pointer with zero, which doesn't change any data but forces a read and write of memory.
Why isn't this the default, like other safety mechanisms like -fstack-protector
? I don't know for sure. Part of the answer could be performance, since each somewhat large stack allocation will result in this code being run—with overhead linear in the size of the allocation, instead of just a single change to the stack pointer—but I'm not sure if anyone expects large stack allocations to be performant. Another answer could be lack of interest, since GCC doesn't even enable it by default when compiling Ada code, even though the Ada language requires that stack overflows and segmentation faults be distinct errors.
This technique is common on Windows. Microsoft's rationale for stack checking is less about preventing unexpected changes to memory and more about making sure the stack is actually in place. Windows places a single guard page past the end of the stack, which is reserved in the memory map, but causes a fault when accessed. The kernel takes this as an indication that the process needs more stack space, and will allocate more physical pages, provided that resource limits allow it and there's enough free RAM. Then it moves the guard page past the new end of the stack. So, if your program has an object that is even slightly more than the page size (e.g., a char buffer[5000]
), it's important that the guard page get touched, instead of skipped over. (Linux also uses a similar mechanism, but as far as I can tell, the entire possible stack region is treated as guard pages, so the problem of skipping over a single guard page doesn't arise.)
Rust is looking at moving away from the __morestack
approach to this approach, under the name of stack probes (the term "probe" is also used in GCC documentation). Apparently the right name for this technique is a bit of a question. "Stack checking," as Microsoft and GCC call it, is a somewhat generic name, and I imagine many developers would interpret it as referring to the more typical direction of stack protection. Indeed, I was very surprised to see that the first C program above "worked", clobbering memory, even with -fstack-protector
. It's common to see stack-smashing attacks, where an out-of-bounds pointer overwrites something valuable on the stack, and that's what -fstack-protector
(StackGuard, which uses stack canaries) protects against. But it's not as common to see the inverse problem, where an out-of-bounds stack pointer overwrite something elsewhere in memory, which can be just as unsafe and just as much of a security risk.
Thanks to Nelson Elhage, Liz Denys, Alex Dehnert, and Asheesh Laroia for feedback on drafts of this post.
by Geoffrey Thomas at July 06, 2015 12:00 AM
UNIX (well, POSIX) signals are probably one of the worst parts of the UNIX API, and that’s a relatively high bar. A signal can be sent to your program at any point when it’s running, and you have to deal with it somehow. Traditionally, there are three ways of responding to signals (“dispositions”): you can let the default behavior run, which is often to kill the program; you can ignore it; or you can set up a function to be a signal handler.
If you register a signal handler, it’s called in the middle of whatever code you happen to be running. This sets up some very onerous restrictions on what a signal handler can do: it can’t assume that any locks are unlocked, any complex data structures are in a reliable state, etc. The restrictions are stronger than the restrictions on thread-safe code, since the signal handler interrupts and stops the original code from running. So, for instance, it can’t even wait on a lock, because the code that’s holding the lock is paused until the signal handler completes. This means that a lot of convenient functions, including the stdio
functions, malloc
, etc., are unusable from a signal handler, because they take locks internally. POSIX defines a set of “Async-Signal-Safe” functions that are guaranteed not to rely on locks or non-atomic data structures (because a signal handler could be called between two instructions that update a non-atomic data type). Linux’s signal(7)
manual page documents has a list of these functions. But because of the constrained environment, one common approach is to defer the actual work until you’re no longer running in a signal handler. A standard solution is the “self-pipe trick”: open an unnamed pipe, write a byte to it in your signal handler and return, and read from it in the main loop. This makes signal handling resemble the handling of anything else that’s a file descriptor, like network sockets, which normalizes their handling a bit.
There’s another problem with signal handlers: in addition to interrupting user code, they also need to interrupt kernel code so that it gets delivered. So, if you’re in the middle of reading from a network socket, waiting for a timeout, or even closing a file descriptor, that system call gets aborted so that the signal handler can run. By default, once you exit the signal handler, your system call will appear to return early, with an error exit of errno == EINTR
(“Interrupted system call”). The intention is that you can restart the call yourself if you want, but in practice, very few libraries do, which causes confusing errors for application developers. (Extra credit: explain why the linked solution is wrong.) To avoid these sorts of problems, BSD added a mechanism to mark signal handlers as restartable, which was standardized as the SA_RESTART
flag to the sigaction
system call. But that does not reliably cause system calls to continue instead of returning EINTR
: as documented later in signal(7)
, Linux will return EINTR
in some cases even when a system call is interrupted by an SA_RESTART
handler. (The rationale for many of these makes sense—e.g., timeouts where restarting the call would start a timer from zero—but understanding the problem doesn’t make it any less of a problem.)
So, in 2007, Linux gained an API called signalfd
, which lets you create a file descriptor that notifies on signals. The idea is that you can avoid the complexity of the self-pipe trick, as well as any problems with EINTR
, by just asking the kernel to send you signals via a file descriptor in the first place. You don’t need to register a signal handler, so everything works perfectly… except that signalfd
doesn’t actually change how signal dispositions work. If you only create a signalfd
, signals still get delivered via the the signal-handling mechanism, so in order to actually get the signal to get delivered over the file descriptor, you need to suspend normal processing of the system. There’s another part of the signal API that lets you set a mask to block the signal: the intention is that you can remove the mask later, and then pending signals will get delivered. But this also means that pending signals are readable from the signalfd, and they’re removed from the queue once read.
This would work fine if signal masks applied only to your current process, but they also get inherited to children. So if you’re masking a signal like SIGINT
in order to receive it via signalfd
, and you run a subprocess, then that child process will start up with SIGINT
masked. And while programs could reset their own signal masks when they start up, in practice, no software does. So you have to be very careful to reset any masked signals before starting a child process, and unfortunately you need to do this yourself: most ways of starting child processes, including the standard libc system(3)
function, do not reset handlers or masks.
There’s another problem with masking signals, which is that standard UNIX signals are permitted to coalesce when they queue. Namely, if you have a mask that’s blocking a signal, and that signal gets delivered twice before you proces the first one from the queue, it only gets reported to you once. For something like SIGINT
, this might be okay: probably you don’t need to handle multiple Ctrl-C keystrokes differently from a single one. For something like SIGCHLD
, which notifies you that a child process has terminated, this is quite a bit more unfortunate. It now means that you know that at least one child process has terminated. And while signals can have associated info (via the SA_SIGINFO
flag to sigaction
, or by default for signalfd
), and SIGCHLD
’s siginfo tells you which process has terminated, if it gets coalesced, you only get one set of info. That is, you know that the specified child process has terminated, but also one or more other unspecified child processes could have terminated and the information about which one has been lost. Not only does this apply to unmasking signals and letting them get delivered to a normal signal handler, it also applies to reading signals from a signalfd
, since signalfd
works by dequeuing signals.
It turns out that there is, at least in theory, a better way to handle this. Just go back to the old self-pipe trick, but install the handler with the SA_NODEFER
flag, which allows signal handlers to interrupt themselves. This way you reliably get one handler called per signal. [EDIT: This is wrong, see below.] This brings back the EINTR
problem, but there’s a simple solution to that: simply dedicate a separate thread to signal handling, and make sure all signals get routed there. Then no system calls on any other thread will get interrupted. The only way to ensure this is to mask signals on every other thread, but that’s no worse than the status quo with signalfd
, since we already had to mask signals in order to get them delivered to signalfd
alone. As a bonus, this is portable to other operating systems that don’t have signalfd
, so this is the solution I’m planning on implementing for the MIO cross-platform event-handling library for Rust.
Can signalfd
be fixed? I think it can, if we explicitly tie signalfd
into the signal-disposition mechanism. If signalfd
could claim responsibility for signal delivery, instead of requiring that signals be masked or ignored in addition to using signalfd
, this would solve both problems. For inheritance, just set the close-on-exec flag on the signalfd, and signals will go back to the default behavior in child processes, once the fd no longer exists. For multiple delivery, because signalfd
no longer interacts with signal queueing, it can just be specfied to send one message per signal. Alternatively, a mechanism to mask or ignore a signal that applies to the current process only would also be an improvement. These proposals would be a change to POSIX signal semantics, but fundamentally so is signalfd
, and the only way to get clean handling of signals is to avoid the POSIX API, not work within it.
EDIT: Greg Hudson pointed out to me that even traditional handlers can coalesce signals. If a signal is sent twice before the signal-handling thread is scheduled, it still gets coalesced, even if it's destined for a signal handler with SA_NODEFER
. So while a signal-handling thread can get you separate siginfo most of the time, it still can’t do so reliably. I’ve written an example of this behavior that uses vfork
to prevent the process from being scheduled: it starts multiple children, but only prints one notification. So my claim that there’s a better alternative to signalfd
is wrong, but it’s still true that signalfd
doesn’t solve any of the other troubles with signal handling: it just saves you a separate thread.
Thanks to Nelson Elhage for pointing me at the LWN article, and Alex Chernyakhovsky, David Benjamin, and Yehuda Katz for discussions about all the unfortunate parts of signal handling.
by Geoffrey Thomas at May 17, 2015 12:00 AM
The Name Service
(NSS) is the feature of many C libraries, including the standard Linux one
(GNU libc) and the standard Solaris one, that allows name lookup
routines to be implemented via plugins. "Name lookup" here refers to
things like usernames, host names, etc. When you run ls -l
, and the
command maps numeric user IDs to usernames, the names are provided
by any module listed in the Name Service Switch's configuration. This
could be the files
module that looks at local files like
, the ldap
module that talks to a corporate LDAP server,
One of my half-forgotten side projects involves writing a new NSS module.
NSS is configured via the file /etc/nsswitch.conf
, which is systemwide
configuration. If I want to test my NSS module, I could install it
globally and reconfigure my system. But I started wondering if there was
a way to load an NSS module just for a single process under my control.
Since the process is running in my user account, I should be able to
reconfigure it, without affecting the rest of the system.
Turns out that it's possible in a somewhat hackish way. There's an
internal glibc function called __nss_configure_lookup
that overrides
NSS settings. If you're writing your own test program, you can just
call, e.g., __nss_configure_lookup("passwd", "files")
to force
all user lookups to go through libnss_files
. If you're using an
existing program, you can shoehorn this in by use of an LD_PRELOAD
#include <nss.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static void __attribute__((constructor))
const char *db = getenv("NSSTEST_DB"), *config = getenv("NSSTEST_CONFIG");
if (db && config)
__nss_configure_lookup(db, config);
Compile with gcc -fPIC -shared -o nsstest.c
. Then you can
do things like this:
howe-and-ser-moving:/tmp geofft$ ls -ld ~
drwxr-xr-x 355 geofft root 34816 Apr 17 21:25 /afs/
howe-and-ser-moving:/tmp geofft$ LD_PRELOAD=./ NSSTEST_DB=passwd NSSTEST_CONFIG=files ls -ld ~
drwxr-xr-x 355 40490 root 34816 Apr 17 21:25 /afs/
Since my account isn't in the files
database on this machine (it's in
), my user ID can no longer be looked up if I restrict passwd
lookups to the files
database. A more straightforward way of testing
is using the getent
command that ships with glibc, which lets you ask
for a specific entry in a specific NSS database. For instance, both
and hesiod
have entries for the root
howe-and-ser-moving:/tmp geofft$ LD_PRELOAD=./ NSSTEST_DB=passwd NSSTEST_CONFIG=files getent passwd root
howe-and-ser-moving:/tmp geofft$ LD_PRELOAD=./ NSSTEST_DB=passwd NSSTEST_CONFIG=hesiod getent passwd root
root:*:0:101:Wizard A Root,,,:/mit/root:/bin/csh
If you're writing your own NSS library, you'll also need to set
to point to the directory where it lives, since NSS
configuration just takes names, not full paths.
by Geoffrey Thomas at April 18, 2015 12:00 AM
I just got back from PyCon, where a few debian-python team members met to discuss some goals for Python packaging in Debian over the next release cycle. One item of interest is moving away from installing Python 2 by default (expecting it to be desupported in 2020), which raises questions about what /usr/bin/python
should mean. At the moment, it very strongly means Python 2 specifically, so there's a question about what it should be on a system with only Python 3 installed—should it become Python 3? Should it be nonexistent?
PEP 0394 recommends that Python 2 should be installed as python2
and Python 3 as python3
, and that python
should mean Python 2 for now. I think it's important that python
continue to mean Python 2, for the reasons described in the "Migration Notes" section of that PEP. In particular, I think it's very important that you should be able to install Python 2 (for the near future), even if your system did not ship with Python 2, and that the system version of Python 3 should not prevent you from using python
to run Python 2 applications.
However, not shipping /usr/bin/python
by default also has its downsides. I made a suggestion on the debian-python list for handling this: this blog post is a more detailed version of that proposal.
The basic motivation for this proposal is that third-party script authors love Python in part because it's just about universally available. #!/usr/bin/env python
, today, is sort of like #!/bin/sh
: you don't necessarily get nice things (Python 3-only features and bash-only features, respectively), but it works. If the python
command stops existing, this is inconvenient for end users, who will need to manually edit scripts or install a version of Python themselves, and authors, who may just decide to use a worse language like #!/bin/sh
. It's also bad for the Python language community, since it removes an incentive to use Python.
So it would be nice to keep the python
command working usefully on both Python 2-only systems and Python 3-only systems. Fortunately, it's pretty doable to port code to work on both Python 2 and 3 with the same source. Especially for third-party scripts with the goal of working out-of-the-box in as many places as possible, writing code to these restrictions isn't particularly onerous, since they needed to stay Python 2-compatible anyway. I've been writing a bunch of Python code recently as polyglot Python 2/3, and the biggest problem has been limiting myself to features in Python 2.7, not getting things to work in both versions of the language.
So here's the proposal: we install a wrapper binary as python
, that defaults to launching Python 2 (or reporting an error if Python 2 is not installed). However, Python 2/3-compatible scripts can include a specific marker indicating they can be run on Python 3, which makes these scripts able to run on both Python 2-only systems and Python 3-only systems.
This marker is based on the existing coding
: syntax from PEP 0263: it's a "magic comment" on the first or second line of the form pyversions=2.7+,3.3+
, indicating which Python major and minor versions are supported. A script compatible with both Python 2 and 3 should include one of these magic comments, and also include a shebang line launching just python
. Here's an example based on one from PEP 0263:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding=utf-8 -*- pyversions=2.6+,3.3+
from __future__ import print_function
print(u"Hello world!")
On new systems, the python
command itself is a wrapper binary that knows what versions of the Python interpreter are installed. If it detects a pyversions
comment, it will exec the newest Python interpreter compatible with the comment. For this example, if Python 3.3 is installed, it will launch that: if only Python 3.2 and 2.7 are installed, it will use Python 2.7, since Python 3.2 does not support the u""
literal syntax. Otherwise, it will assume that code is Python 2-only, and exec the newest Python 2 version installed. In either case, if a compatible interpreter cannot be found, it will print an error and exit.
On legacy systems, the python
command refers to Python 2. So Python 2/3-compatible scripts will still be able to find an interpreter they are compatible with.
For legacy scripts that use a shebang stating just python
, on both new and legacy systems, they will only ever run on Python 2, or not at all. This preserves the existing API, and avoids the poor user experience of running Python 2 scripts with the Python 3 interpreter, as PEP 0394 warns against doing.
However, the python
wrapper supports running Python 2/3-compatible scripts with the Python 3 interpreter, which is useful for Python 3-only systems. A future version of Debian can choose to ship the Python 3 interpreter only, and remain compatible with third-party scripts that include the pyversions
magic comment. Meanwhile, these third-party scripts can state #!/usr/bin/env python
in their shebang, and remain compatible with legacy Python 2-only systems, including those (like Mac OS X) that do not include the python2
symbolic link.
The python
wrapper can run in three possible modes:
, without the pedagogical speed bump of having to explain versions of the language. Running the latest major version of Python is safe, since the interpreter will print out its own version at startup.python -c
are considered scripted use, since in this context, the python
command is also serving as an API, and existing users of the API expect Python 2 just as much as scripts do. (Imagine, for instance, a shell script with KEY=$(python -c "import local_settings; print SECRET_KEY")
), which will fail if python
means Python 3.) In this mode, the wrapper will instead look for an environment variable named PYVERSIONS
. If this is set, it will be parsed as the value of the pyversions
magic comment. So shell scripts that include Python 2/3-compatible python -c
commands can e.g. export PYVERSIONS=2.7+,3.3+
at the top of the script, and work on systems with either just Python 2 or just Python 3.The end result here is that third-party script authors can continue writing polyglot Python 2/3 code for the indefinite future, and be compatible with both existing Python 2-only distributions and newer Python 3-only distributions. Meanwhile, distributions can move towards installing Python 3 only by default and avoid installing Python 2 as far as possible, without closing off the ability to install Python 2 when needed, or breaking legacy Python 2-only code.
This is a good transition story for distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora that are currently trying to move to Python 3 only, but don't want to break existing code. It's also a good transition story for distributions like Arch that have already started moving /usr/bin/python
to Python 3: interactive and scripted use of the python
command can continue to launch Python 3, but compatibility with third-party Python 2 scripts is regained. And most importantly, it's good for third-party script authors, who want to write one script that works on Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, and Mac OS X alike, and for their end users.
I'm interested in initial feedback on this idea: if it generally seems like a good plan, I'll firm up the details and write it up as a formal PEP. There are a few details to work out, like how this interacts with the py.exe
Windows launcher described in PEP 0397 (if at all), but my focus is making /usr/bin/python
useful and backwards-compatible on UNIX-like platforms.
Edit 3 May 2015: I've uploaded a proof-of-concept implementation of this launcher to GitHub to see what the overhead and complexity of this approach looks like.
by Geoffrey Thomas at April 17, 2015 12:00 AM
As soon as Rust 1.0 Alpha 2 was released, I downloaded the release and sat down to finally play with Rust. With the final release of 1.0 on the horizon, I decided that the language was finally mature enough to try writing some real code. My first test of the language would be to try to implement a program with deep UNIX heritage: a shell.
Writing a shell exercises a lot in a language—string manipulation, subprocesses, input/output, other parts of file handling, data structures, memory management, and more. Rust can call any function in libc, but the goal is to test out Rust, not UNIX, so anything in libc::* is off-limits. Additionally, using any function from libc is inherently unsafe. Rust's type system, memory-safety, and compile-time checks can only validate Rust code. A Rust program that uses features provided by a C library is only slightly less likely to crash due to a dangling pointer than a pure C program. Therefore, we limit ourselves to Rust's native libraries. The std crate is of particular interest. If std is sufficient to write a shell, then Rust is ready for production.
First, let's decide on the features the shell will support. The POSIX shell grammar is ridiculously complicated, and would require the use of a parser-generator to reasonably implement. There's preliminary ragel rust support, but it looks like it might not yet be updated to be compatible with the upcoming 1.0-final. ragel is also limited to regular languages, but shell grammar can't be parsed with regular expressions—it's context-free, since balancing parenthesis in "$((...))" calls for pushdown automata. There's a PEG plugin for rustc, which looks functional, and a yacc-like, but it's not usable yet.
With parser-generators still under active development for Rust, I decided to scale back the shell to something a bit more modest: UNIX v6 compatibility. To start with, I decided to match the Xv6 shell, which is fairly simple. The Xv6 shell supports only command execution, file redirection (for stdin and stdout only), and pipelines. There's no support for quoting, subshells, or command lists—those are left as challenge problems for students.
After some time staring at documentation, I managed to write the bare bones of the shell: it was able to read a line of user input, split the command on spaces, and process the builtins cd and pwd. The recommendation to use std::old_io instead of std::io was confusing, but didn't make things any more difficult. Writing cd proved to be a bit harder, since extracting $HOME is provided by std::env::home_dir() but std::env still uses std::old_path, not std::path, which was not immediately visible from the documentation.
Finally, it was time to add command invocation. It turns out that this is currently impossible without resorting to libc::* calls. Rust has a very rich API for spawning subprocesses in development, std::process::Command, but unfortunately it's lacking support for stdin/stdout redirection other than to /dev/null, inheriting it from the current process, and capturing the output. I filed a bug against the Rust RFCs requesting this feature, and I hope it gets considered before the final release. Until then, there are many common systems programming patterns and tasks that are impossible without resorting to non-Rust libraries.
The shell-in-Rust project is currently on hold. Although this attempt was unsuccessful, I'm still really excited about Rust. I'll be keeping an eye on the Rust std::io and std::process RFCs and implementation, eagerly waiting for the necessary features to land.
by Alex Chernyakhovsky ( at March 03, 2015 04:42 PM
It happens every so often that a program needs to figure out where its executable file is located. A common situation is when you are writing a unit test, and your test data is located in the same directory as your binary.
Unfortunately, POSIX does not provide any interface to do that, so if you are writing portable C/C++ code, you are in for an adventure. Below are short code snippets which do that on various platforms. Try to guess which ones work with which platform.
Disclaimer: those are the snippets which I have collected from various API references, StackOverflow answers and SDL source code. I have not tested them, and you should not assume they actually always work correctly.
Variant 1
GetModuleFileName(NULL, path, sizeof(path));
Variant 2
path = getexecname();
Variant 3
/* This is, of course, an oversimplification. In practice, you would want to
* do the link expansion recursively, or at least one level more deep than
* this. */
readlink("/proc/self/exe", path, sizeof(path))
Variant 4(a)
readlink("/proc/curproc/file", path, sizeof(path))
Variant 4(b), from the same platform as above
const int mib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PATHNAME, -1 };
sysctl(mib, sizeof(mib), path, sizeof(path), NULL, 0);
Variant 5
_NSGetExecutablePath(path, &path_size);
As a bonus, here is the same problem solved in higher-level languages.
Variant 6 (used in multiple languages)
Variant 7 (strictly speaking, returns the directory instead of the file)
Variant 8
The answers here are (highlight to show): #1 is Windows, #2 is Solaris, #3 is Linux, #4 is FreeBSD, #5 is OS X, #6 could be Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby (and probably others as well), #7 is C# and #8 is Java.
In practice, many frameworks (like SDL or Qt) have already solved that
problem once, and you can just call SDL_GetBasePath
to get the path you
We have changed the MySQL default storage engine on from MyISAM to InnoDB. This change only affects newly created tables. Existing tables are unaffected, with the exception noted below of Trac databases. No user action is required.
InnoDB offers many improvements over MyISAM and has become the default engine upstream as of MySQL 5.5. Even though still runs MySQL 5.1, we made this change because it is required by Trac 1.0.2. We have also converted all Trac databases to InnoDB to let them continue working with Trac 1.0.2.
If you wish to take advantage of the new features provided by InnoDB, you can convert existing tables using the ALTER TABLE command. You can still create new MyISAM tables by passing the ENGINE=MyISAM parameter to CREATE TABLE. You can also convert InnoDB tables back to MyISAM with ALTER TABLE.
Note that the version of InnoDB running on does not yet support FULLTEXT indexes. We expect this to be eventually fixed when we upgrade to MySQL 5.6 or later. Until then, tables that use FULLTEXT indexes should be left on the MyISAM engine.
by Anders Kaseorg at November 21, 2014 12:07 AM
Last week, I found myself trying to update the software on a server that was still running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. My goal was to run an ASAN build of zephyrd, the Zephyr server to catch a heap corruption bug. ASAN is a feature of the clang compiler, which unfortunately wasn't available.
RHEL5, as well as the free derivative distributions that offer compatibility, was first released in 2007 with kernel 2.6.18; gcc 4.1.2; and glibc 2.5. Although RHEL5 is still "in support", receiving bug and security updates, it's not receiving new versions of the software it shipped it with.
clang provides binary downloads---getting a new version of clang onto this system should be easy! The first problem strikes: glibc is too old to support the binary clang, it depends on features from the newer version. Let's try compiling clang from source. Off goes ./configure...gcc 4.7 or newer required?! Oh no. Building clang would require going through building gcc just to get a new enough compiler. That's not worth the time.
At this point, I stepped back to re-evaluate my options. Although I had root access to the server, it wasn't a machine that I had full control over; the operations team owned it. On one hand, I could ask the team to reinstall it with something a bit more modern, but it would probably not happen until fleet-wide upgrades start. On the other, I could try to press onward with a larger hammer: install a chroot with a newer Enterprise Linux myself. Since the chroot was the more timely option, I decided to go try that first:
mkdir -p /srv/chroot/centos7-x86_64/
rpm --root=/srv/chroot/centos7-x86_64/ --rebuilddb
rpm --root=/srv/chroot/centos7-x86_64/ -ivh centos-release-7.x86_64.rpm
which promptly fails because the version of rpm in EL5 is too old. This can easily be fixed by using another host to build the chroot, as well as running yum install yum to get a minimal base image. Copying the base image over and running chroot . results in the dreaded FATAL: kernel too old message. No chroot tricks are going to work now; the version of glibc in EL7 assumes that the kernel is going to be much newer than the 2.6.18 that's installed.
There's just one last thing to do before giving up and reinstalling the whole server: recompiling glibc for the older kernel. The glibc spec file around line 400 sets the minimum kernel version it supports:
%define enablekernel 2.6.32
by changing that to
%define enablekernel 2.6.18
we can build an EL7 glibc package that will make a base system suitable for building chroots that work on EL5 systems! The resulting base system with this glibc is the "Enterprise Linux Emergency Modernization Kit" because it makes it easy to get new software on ancient EL5 hosts. You can easily build your own by following these instructions, or you could download a CentOS7-based one now!
by Alex Chernyakhovsky ( at November 05, 2014 06:04 PM
A few days ago, I was installing a Fedora 18 on a brand-new machine, which had two 1TB SATA hard drives which I wanted to put into a RAID1 (mirroring) configuration. mdadm makes managing software RAID on Linux easy, and the Fedora Installer (anaconda) has always had extremely powerful tools for setting up a RAID.
Anaconda also supports Logical Volume Manager (LVM), which is part of the recommended configuration for Fedora, because it adds lots of cool features, like being able to have non-contiguous partitions, moving partitions around the disk, between disks, and even spanning disks!
Combining the data redundant of mdadm with the partitioning features of LVM is a common strategy, but unfortunately one that's not longer supported in Fedora 18's Anaconda. In fact, there's an open bug on the subject, and a very heated discussion on the mailing lists.
The official solution is to forego the graphical installer entirely, and is to use a kickstart script -- Anaconda's automated install mode. After a lot of trial and error, I managed to get a kickstart that works, but only when the installer was booted with noefi. The kickstart was copied onto a FAT32-formatted flash drive as the file ks.cfg, and loaded with the boot parameter ks=hd:/sdc1/ks.cfg
This kickstart has one down side: it formats the entire raw disks, so it's not suitable for adding a Fedora installation to an existing LVM-with-mdadm configuration. I'm still investigating how to get anaconda to cooperate when the RAID and LVM is already configured.
by Alex Chernyakhovsky ( at November 02, 2014 01:36 AM
On Linux and other UNIX system, a domain name is translated to an IP address using the resolver(3) family of functions. Usually, these are provided by libresolv, but on some systems are available directly in libc.
Over the last couple of days, I've been working to overhaul the code for Hesiod, a system for querying users, groups, and other useful information information in a networked computer environment through DNS. I've been testing the code on Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, and OS X, all of which were able to successfully compile the library.
To my surprise, on OS X, the configure script determined that the resolver functions exist in libc, and didn't include libresolv. When I went to run the Hesiod test suite, all I got was a linker error, that _res_9_init was not found.
Let's write a simple program that calls res_init() and see what happens.
$ diff -U3 resolver-demo.c resolver-demo-resolv.c --- resolver-demo.c 2013-03-28 18:08:07.000000000 -0400 +++ resolver-demo-resolv.c 2013-03-28 18:08:03.000000000 -0400 @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ #include <string.h> // Uncomment this and link with -lresolv -//#include <resolv.h> +#include <resolv.h> #include <arpa/nameser_compat.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> $ gcc resolver-demo.c -o demo $ gcc resolver-demo-resolv.c -o demo-resolv Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_res_9_dn_expand", referenced from: _main in cck8nJ1v.o "_res_9_init", referenced from: _main in cck8nJ1v.o "_res_9_search", referenced from: _main in cck8nJ1v.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status $ gcc resolver-demo-resolv.c -o demo-resolv -lresolv $ ./demo Response: $ ./demo-resolv Response:
by Alex Chernyakhovsky ( at October 27, 2014 05:36 AM
I finally decided to start writing a blog.
I've wanted to do that for quite a while; the issue was that I could not find a platform I liked. WordPress seemed like an overkill, many of more minimalist solutions were written in Ruby, which I can't speak... In short, I ended up writing my own blogging engine using Flask.
I am baffled by how well-developed web frameworks for Python are these days. You see, even though I've spent quite a while improving various parts of MediaWiki (which is decidedly a webapp), I've never actually worked with any real web frameworks, even for PHP. MediaWiki was written in vanilla PHP, back when it was an actual improvement over Perl. Over time it grew its very own supporting framework-library; it includes some quite crazy features, like a reverse-engineered IE6 content sniffer and a Lua sandbox. At the same time it is missing some things which you would normally consider vital, like an HTML templating system. So when I discovered that I made a blog in just 300 lines of code, only ~100 of which were Python, I was very confused and tried hard to figure out which important part I am missing.
Most of the time I spent on this was debugging CSS to make sure that website is responsive and works well on some reasonable subset of browsers. I still have a feeling that I actually have no idea how CSS works (that is apparently a somewhat widespread sentiment), so if you find that something is broken for a browser/screen size combination you use, please tell me.
systemd, to some Linux users, is a curse word. Dramatic change always is.
by Alex Chernyakhovsky ( at October 03, 2014 05:30 PM
On Wednesday, August 27th, 2014, all of the servers will be upgraded from Fedora 17 to Fedora 20, which was released on December 17. We strongly encourage you to test your website as soon as possible, and to contact us at or come to our office in W20-557 if you experience any problems. The easiest way to test your site is to run the following commands at an Athena workstation and then visit your website in the browser that opens, but see this page for more details and important information: athena% add scripts
athena% firefox-test
by adehnert at August 26, 2014 06:25 PM
One of my favorite SSH tricks is using the ControlMaster
options for speeding up connections. The idea is simple:
if you're already logged into a server and you need to log in again,
just reuse the connection you already have instead of redoing the entire
connection handshake. In addition to making connections much faster, if
you're logging in with a password, you don't have to re-type your
password for each connection. This can be really handy if you're doing a
lot of copies with scp
, checking out files with Subversion's
, etc., and don't want (SSH keys can also solve this problem
in many cases, but requires you to set up keys on the server, whereas
this just requires client-side configuration.)
Setting this up is easy. We'll designate one ssh
process as a master, and
then when another ssh
process wants to connect to the same host, it will
connect to the master process instead and request a shared connection. In order
to make this work, we first have to set up a place for this master process to
listen for requests.
To do this, add the line
ControlPath ~/.ssh/control-%h-%p-%r
to your ~/.ssh/config
file. You can read more about the syntax in the
man page; this particular setting puts the shared sockets in
your ~/.ssh directory, which is usually a good place for it, and makes
sure that the path is unique for each hostname, port, and remote
username, as recommended by the man page.
Then create the master ssh
process by running it with the -M
You'll get a normal login, which you can use or just keep around in a
minimized window. You have to keep this connection around until you're
done with all your other connections. If for some reason you want to
avoid opening a shell — for instance, you're using this with
GitHub, which doesn't let you open a shell — you'll also want the
Once you've done this, every new ssh
process that's connecting to the
same host (with the same username and port) will reuse the master
connection instead of making its own. You don't need to do anything
special; as long as ControlPath
is set, each new ssh
process will
check for a master connection at that path.
As mentioned, this can make SSH significantly faster for repeated
operations. For instance, git fetch
against GitHub becomes over twice
as fast for me, compared to re-doing SSH key authentication:
geofft@cactuar:~/src/vireo$ time git fetch
real 0m0.305s
user 0m0.005s
sys 0m0.011s
geofft@cactuar:~/src/vireo$ ssh -M -N -f
geofft@cactuar:~/src/vireo$ time git fetch
real 0m0.140s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.010s
This example also used the -f
option, which puts the connection into
the background as soon as authentication is complete. To close the
connection, you can use the -O exit
option to ssh
, which, instead of
opening a new connection, signals the ControlMaster process to exit.
geofft@cactuar:~/src/vireo$ ssh -O exit
Exit request sent.
geofft@cactuar:~/src/vireo$ time git fetch
real 0m0.303s
user 0m0.010s
sys 0m0.007s
There's a good article on Wikibooks about connection multiplexing that covers more advanced use of this feature.
by Geoffrey Thomas at April 07, 2014 12:00 AM
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