[[!meta title="SIPB Documentation Project"]] The SIPB Documentation Project is a project to document in written form the collective knowledge that SIPB members take for granted or use in maintaining services and projects that are not otherwise written down anywhere. See [[doc/project-ideas]] for stuff to try doing to further the goals of the SIPB. ## Documentation Topics * [[doc/Zephyr]] -- An attempt at a complete beginner's guide to getting on Zephyr with BarnOwl and [[doc/screen]]. * BarnOwl has some more documentation on [its wiki](http://barnowl.mit.edu/). * [[doc/AFS-and-you]] -- an attempt at a beginner's guide to working with AFS for Athena and Web * [[doc/screen]] -- Handy for [[doc/Zephyr]] and anything else you do in an ssh session. * XVM: * [using `remctl`](https://xvm.mit.edu/trac/wiki/Remctl) * [getting the serial console](https://xvm.mit.edu/trac/wiki/SerialConsole) * printing: [[doc/quickprint]], [[doc/cups-on-mac]] * [[doc/kerberized-server]] explains keytabs and how to get one and how that lets you SSH somewhere with Kerberos. * [[doc/root-instance]] explains root and extra instances in Kerberos. * [[doc/summer-reading]] -- Documents or books that various SIPB members recommend reading. * [[doc/Debianization]] -- packaging software for Debian and Ubuntu ## Documentation Ideas This is a list of further topics that need documentation in one form or another or that are good for explaining to prospectives. * "Printing at MIT" * `lpq`, `lprm`, `queues.mit.edu` * `-i printadm` (maybe) * "Using Debathena" -- You've installed Debathena -- now what? Automounter, `blanche`, cups; using stuff in the GUI. * "Athena Dotfiles" -- These are weird and nonstandard compared to traditional UNIX and should be documented, including things like `.environment` * There's some documentation at [http://web.mit.edu/olh/Dotfiles/] * scripts.mit.edu -- lots of neat internals to explain * AFS: There should be a central documentation point to using your AFS space, granting access through AFS and through `web`, accessing files from various platforms, and so on. Don't duplicate iAFS; perhaps latex2html and update it. Setting up servers: * "Client Certs" should explain, if for some perverse reason you don't want to use scripts.mit.edu :-), how to set up client cert authentication on your own machine (grab the CA out of the apache-ssl locker, submit a CSR to mitcert@, set up scripts' magic Apache modules to make your life easier) * Add your own here! ## Useful Links * [[ikiwiki/Formatting]] -- Documentation on this wiki's formatting language * SIPB's [Inessential Guides](http://stuff.mit.edu/sipb/docs.html). A previous generation of SIPB documentation. Much of it is dated, but some still contains useful knowledge that should be updated or moved here. * [SIPB services and projects list](http://stuff.mit.edu/sipb/project-list.html)