[[!meta title="SIPB Documentation"]] SIPB offers documentation for users at MIT and elsewhere. Writing and editing this documentation is an [[ongoing project|doc/project]]. Edits and other contributions welcome. ## Recent Documentation ### SIPB * [[Using sipbmp3|doc/using-sipbmp3]]
A guide to queue music to sipbmp3, the gutenbach system SIPB uses to play music in the office. * [[SIPB Hands-on Assignments|doc/hands-on]]
Modeled on the [6.033 hands-on assignments], these guides will walk you through concepts and technologies that are core to many SIPB projects. We appreciate contributions! * [[Summer Reading|doc/summer-reading]]
Documents and books that various SIPB members recommend reading. * [[Moira|doc/moira]]
Some tips for using Moira * [[Pergamon|doc/pergamon]]
Setting up a mailing list archive using Pergamon, SIPB's self-service discuss server (see below for documentation on discuss) ### Zephyr * [[Using Zephyr|doc/zephyr]]
A guide on using Zephyr today with BarnOwl (and GNU Screen). Aimed at newcomers to Zephyr, and a pretty good reference. See also [the BarnOwl wiki](http://barnowl.mit.edu/). * [[Using `zcrypt`|doc/zcrypt]]
A guide to using `zcrypt`ed (encrypted) zephyr classes. Zephyr at MIT (mostly) doesn't support limiting who can sub to a zephyr class, so if you want to have reasonably private conversations, encrypting them is a good idea. * [[Using SZS (the SMS to Zephyr Relay)|doc/szs]]
Send and receive text messages through Zephyr. * [[Using Screen|doc/screen]]
Handy for [[doc/Zephyr]] and anything else you do in an ssh session. ### Kerberos and AFS * [[Kerberized Server|doc/kerberized-server]]
Explains keytabs and how to get one and how that lets you SSH somewhere with Kerberos. * [[Root Instance|doc/root-instance]]
Explains root and extra instances in Kerberos. * [[AFS and You|doc/afs-and-you]]
A useful guide to AFS (originally the Andrew File System), the system that stores your Athena files. Targeted at mid-to-advanced users, this is a more up-to-date version than the Inessential Guide to AFS below. ### Client Certificates * [[Configuring Client-Side Certificate Authentication on Apache|doc/apache-client-certs]]
How to configure your own server to accept client-side certificates just like [scripts.mit.edu](https://scripts.mit.edu/) ### Miscellaneous * [scripts.mit.edu](https://scripts.mit.edu/): [user documentation](https://scripts.mit.edu/faq), [internals wiki](https://scripts.mit.edu/wiki/) * XVM: [Using `remctl`](https://xvm.mit.edu/trac/wiki/Remctl), and [Getting the serial console](https://xvm.mit.edu/trac/wiki/SerialConsole) * [[Printing with CUPS on the Mac|doc/cups-on-mac]]
How to set up printing on a Mac. * [Learning Debian Packaging](http://debathena.mit.edu/packaging/) * [[Using CPAN|doc/cpan]]
CPAN is a source of many useful Perl libraries, but the tools often seem determined not to let you have them. Here's how to beat them into submission. * [[Writing safe(r) shell scripts|doc/safe-shell]] ## IAP Classes and Cluedumps SIPB teaches [an array of classes](http://sipb.mit.edu/iap) each IAP and shorter [cluedumps](http://cluedumps.mit.edu/) in the fall. Some of them leave notes useful as documentation. * [Understanding Git](http://web.mit.edu/cluedumps/slides/understanding-git-2008.pdf)
These slides were developed for a SIPB cluedump on the Git version control system. ## The Inessential Guide Series The SIPB Inessential Guide series contain useful information about a variety of computing topics. Explore! * [An Inessential Guide to Athena](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/guide/guide/) ([DVI](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/guide/guide.dvi))([PDF](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb.mit.edu/project/doc/guide/guide.pdf))([PS](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb.mit.edu/project/doc/guide/guide.ps))
A large guide on how to get the most out of your Athena account, from reading mail, to using AFS, to sending zephyrs. * [An Inessential Quick Reference to Athena](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/quickref/quick/) ([DVI](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/quickref/quickref.dvi))
A one-page reference to the most basic information about Athena, including logging in, reading email, and getting help. * [Inessential AFS](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb.mit.edu/project/doc/afs/html/afs-new.html) ([DVI](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/current/iAFS.dvi))([PDF](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/current/iAFS.pdf))([PS](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/current/iAFS.ps))
A guide to AFS (Andrew File System) - the system used to store your files on Athena. Note that a more updated version of this guide can be found [[here|doc/afs-and-you]]. * [Inessential LaTeX (PDF)](http://stuff.mit.edu/sipb/ilatex) ([DVI](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/current/iLaTeX.dvi)) ([HTML, but somewhat dated](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb.mit.edu/project/www/latex/guide/guide.html))
A very helpful guide to LaTeX, a typesetting program commonly used for doing PSets, writing papers, theses, books, etc. * [Inessential MATLAB](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/www/matlab/imatlab/imatlab.html) ([DVI](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/imatlab/imatlab.dvi)) ([PDF](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/current/imatlab.pdf))
A guide to using MATLAB on Athena. * [Inessential Zephyr](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/izephyr/html/izephyr.html) ([DVI](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/izephyr/izephyr.dvi))([PDF](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/izephyr/izephyr.pdf))
A guide to using the Athena instant-messenging system, Zephyr. Less relevant now that most people use BarnOwl, try [[this|doc/zephyr]] instead * [Inessential Bitmaps](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb.mit.edu/project/doc/ibitmap/ibitmap.html) ([DVI](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/current/ibitmap.dvi))
A guide to drawing and displaying XBM bitmaps and other graphics. * Inessential Refrigerator Restocking (Internal DVI version - inquire at SIPB)
A guide on how to restock a soda fridge. It isn't as hard as you make it look. ## Other Documentation * [How to Choose a Good Password](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/passwords/passwords.html) ([DVI](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/current/passwords.dvi))
A one-page list of guidelines on how to choose secure passwords, and why this is important. * [Who Fixes What at MIT](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/athena.mit.edu/system/info/who_fixes_what)
How and to whom to report all kinds of problems with computing infrastructure at MIT. * [Filtering Your E-Mail on Athena](http://www.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/imailfilters/imailfilters.html)
A quick guide to filtering your e-mail on Athena's common email-clients. * [Getting Started with PGP on Athena](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/pgp/pgp.html)
A quick guide to using PGP security on Athena. * [DVI files? What are those? What's XDVI?](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/www/latex/xdvi/xdvi.html) ([DVI](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/current/xdvi.dvi))
XDVI is a program to view DVI files, a common output format from LaTeX. * [NetNews: A One-Page Guide to the Usenet](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/www/netnews/netnews-doc/netnews-doc.html) ([DVI](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/current/onepage-netnews.dvi))
A one-page reference to reading NetNews. * [Using Discuss](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/www/discuss/discuss.html) ([DVI](http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/doc/current/discuss.dvi))
A guide to using and enjoying the Discuss bulletin board system on Athena. * [[So you want to learn Git...|doc/&git ]]
Pointers to resources from which Git, the Version Control System many of us use. ## Licensing While we love free and open source software, there are [too many licenses](http://www.opensource.org/proliferation) and the options can get a bit confusing. SIPB has some official recommendations for what to use and how to effect these licenses. * [[Code Licensing Recommendation|doc/code-licensing]] * [[Documentation Licensing Recommendation|doc/doc-licensing]]