[[!meta title="Clockworks"]] Hey guys, I heard there was this app called [Doodle](http://www.doodle.com/main.html). It's closed source. Let's make an open-source Doodle killer and call it Clockworks! We have a mailing list - if you're interested in helping design the app, just [let one of the developers know](mailto:clockworks@mit.edu) and we'll add you to our mailing list, **clockworks**. Or if you just want to hear more about what we're up to, blanche yourself to the public list **clockworks-announce**. ## Development info Our Git repository is located in AFS in the clockworks locker: /mit/clockworks/clockworks.git ## Phase 1 Doodle clone. 100% duplication of Doodle functionality. Modifications to improve usability as necessary. ### Pitfalls to avoid What do people not like about Doodle? * Too much clicking * We can deal with this by collapsing the three-page wizard Doodle has into a single page. Be careful not to sacrifice too much simplicity for such a setup. * No obvious "I can, but would rather not" * Alleviated also by the above; this might want to be the default poll setup. * Trac, one of the first Python web applications to hit mainstream, was long bemoaned for being complex to install. Try not to have the same story ### What to do? * [Configure](http://docs.turbogears.org/1.0/Configuration?action=show&redirect=1.0%2FGettingStarted%2FConfiguration) the default TurboGears scaffolding * Work through the [TurboGears tutorial](http://docs.turbogears.org/1.0/Wiki20/Page1) (the tutorial seems to focus on SQLObject, which is not necessarily the best thing. Maybe someone can find some better docs?) * Setup database configuration and installer (an auxiliary issue is the presence of an installer for people). (**ezyang**) * Learn SQLAlchemy (**ezyang**) * Make sure the default scaffolding works on Scripts (this includes running TurboGears as CGI). Any work done here should be considered for a TurboGears auto-installer, the equivalent of tgsetup) (**ezyang**) * Write a .gitignore file for generated/not versionable items * Get friendly URLs working * Learn Genshi (The new TurboGear default templating interface for 1.1+) * Setup a zephyrbot that watches the repository * Learn [Widgets](http://docs.turbogears.org/1.0/Widgets) (we'll be using them for all of the forms in this website) * Polish up and get SSL authentication working with TurboGears Identity (the two should be integrated together in a sane manner.) * Write model classes for all of our tables * Write controllers for each of the pages ### Architecture * **Language**: Python * **Framework**: TurboGears * **SCM**: Git * **JavaScript**: Mochikit * **Database**: SQLite for development, ? for production * **ORM**: SQLAlchemy * **Templating**: Genshi Other ideas: * Use 15 minute timeslices to simplify interface ### Principles * Simplicity * Extendibility * Open Source ### Schema You can view the database schema in *model.py*. Some notable features: * All `user.user_id` foreign keys are paired with an `anon_name` field. If user_id is null, then the associated entity was posted by an anonymous user, and `anon_name` contains the name they submitted for themselves * The current `time_slots` table uses `DateTime` and `Interval` to define events. We should consider whether or not 15 minute timeslices will be the native representation in the database, or simply a simpler model for the interface * `length` is likely common through all possible times for an event, so it's stored in both `time_slots` and `event` * `events.timezone` represents the timezone that the event is occurring in, so we can give user-friendly times. If this field is null, then the creator's `user.timezone` field is used (if that is also null, we should probably use EST) * `key` and `admin_key` in `event` refer to random values that will compose the URLs for events. * For full backwards compatibility, `hidden` and `extended` are stored as boolean attributes (the former refers to hiding the responses of users, the latter refers to allowing Yes/No/IfNeedBe responses). We may want to consider an alternate model for these properties * The schema is not very generalized. Certain parts should definitely be generalized, but let's try to avoid the architecture astronaut syndrome. ### Page Inventory List of "screens" in Doodle * **/**: Home page * **/help**: Help pages (screencasts, interactive JavaScript, etc.) * **/new**: Schedule event (should be one-page-able) * General info (title, description, name, email) * Days (calendar, should be AJAX) * Times (timezone (JS fill-in), add more timeslots, copypaste first row) * Options (yes-no-ifneedbe, hidden poll, limit OKs) * Poll created (admin, participant links) * **/events/*event-name***: View poll (timezone, name, times, information, functions) * **/events/*event-name*/edit**: Edit entry (completely wiki!) * Delete entry * **/events/*event-name*/comment**: Add a comment * **/events/*event-name*/export**: Calendar export (both ways) * File export (excel, pdf) * **/events/*event-name*/feed**: Subscribe (atom, and then social feed services) * **/events/*event-name*/embed**: Embed poll (iframe) * **/events/*event-name*/admin**: Admin poll (participation link) * **/events/*event-name*/admin/edit**: Edit poll (all original options) * **/events/*event-name*/admin/history**: History * **/events/*event-name*/admin/reset**: Delete all participants/comments * **/events/*event-name*/admin/delete**: Delete poll ## Phase 2 Doodle killer. Extra features. Pump it up. * Integration * Basic: integration with ICS calendars, GoogleCalendar, Exchange, and TechTime (for faculty) * Advanced: integration with MIT's course schedules, Facebook * Would store persistent profiles of calendar data for users * Automatically prioritize and schedule events for you * Create mobile phone friendly version ## Developers * Geoffrey Thomas * Paul Baranay * Edward Yang * Paul Weaver * Xavid Pretzer * Christian Ternus * You?