[[!meta title="A Somewhat Technical Introduction to git"]] h1. A Somewhat Technical Introduction to git *Sunday, September 11, 5-7 PM, room 4-231* Based on our past IAP class "Git Will Make Your Life Better", we will be offering a 2-hour class on the [git version control system](http://git-scm.com/). If you're not very familiar with git (even if you have experience with another VCS such as Subversion), or have been using it a little but feel you don't "get it," you'll probably get a lot out of this session. We'll cover common and uncommon commands, the structure of a git repository so you can reason about how to make commands do what you want (along the lines of ["Git for Computer Scientists"](http://eagain.net/articles/git-for-computer-scientists/), but in much more depth), and the basics of collaboration, distributed development, and so forth. The focus will largely depend on what attendees want to see covered. You're encouraged to bring your laptop, since we'll work through a few example repos. For questions, contact [Geoffrey Thomas](mailto:geofft@mit.edu).