Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Component Created
#1 secure general purpose build server (PackageFab) new critical athena 14 years
#17 Trac plugin/cronjob to sync Trac groups with Moira/AFS new major snippets 12 years
#20 Basic guide to using one's Public new major athena 11 years
#22 Better mailing list archiving solution than discuss new major athena 11 years
#23 Cronjob to sync Github teams with Moira/AFS new major snippets 11 years
#26 zcrypt and -auto reminder zephyrbot new major sipb-locker 11 years
#27 Least privilege for the SIPB locker new major sipb-locker 11 years
#29 ACL'd "add me to this list" UI new major athena 11 years
#32 Zephyr->Trac bot new major snippets 11 years
#34 supybot-compatible zephyrbot framework new major snippets 11 years
#35 Github mirroring documentation or as a service new major snippets 11 years
#21 Github issue zephyrs new minor snippets 11 years
#28 "SIPB/MIT/USA" postcard tracking tool new minor sipb-www 11 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.